• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. Northerner

    Coronavirus: just eight out of 1,600 doctors in poll say NHS is ready

    An overwhelming majority of doctors fear the NHS is not well prepared to deal with a major outbreak of coronavirus, a survey has found. More than 99% of 1,618 NHS medics questioned appear not to agree with the assurances given by Boris Johnson that the service will cope if it is hit by a surge...
  2. Northerner

    NHS worker's inspirational Facebook post lists the staggering amount carers do

    An NHS worker has put together an inspirational Facebook post that details the staggering amount of jobs that carers in the healthcare system take on every single day. Shane Longton posted the emotional comment on his social media page , saying how proud he was to work for the NHS , and how...
  3. Northerner

    NHS plans to deploy ‘Dad’s Army’ of retired doctors if Covid-19 spreads

    Former health professionals could be brought out of retirement under emergency plans being considered by the government to combat the spread of coronavirus. News of the potential “Dad’s army” deployment comes as NHS bosses warn that the service will struggle if Covid-19 takes hold in Britain...
  4. Northerner

    NHS failing stroke patients with 'postcode lottery rehabilitation'

    Patients are failing to recover properly from a stroke or heart attack because the NHS offers too little rehabilitation for people discharged from hospitals, a report has warned. “Patchy provision” means those with arthritis, multiple sclerosis and other long-term conditions also miss out on...
  5. Northerner

    Record number of A&E 'trolley waits' reached in January, NHS say

    More than 100,000 A&E patients waited for hours to be treated in hospitals in January, the highest number since records began, NHS figures show. There were 100,578 patients delayed more than four hours, of whom 2,846 waited more than 12 hours from decision to admit to admission, according to...
  6. Northerner

    Revealed: how drugs giants can access your health records

    The Department of Health and Social Care has been selling the medical data of millions of NHS patients to American and other international drugs companies having misled the public into believing the information would be “anonymous”, according to leading experts in the field. Senior NHS figures...
  7. Northerner

    PM urged to give NHS 100 new hospitals plus an extra £7bn a year

    NHS leaders have urged Boris Johnson’s government to build 100 new hospitals and give the service an extra £7bn a year for new facilities and equipment. They want the prime minister to commit to far more than the 40 new hospitals over the next decade that the Conservatives pledged during the...
  8. Northerner

    What could privatisation do to the NHS? Children's services show us

    One of the biggest questions about the next five years is whether the publicly owned and provided status of the NHS will be protected as Boris Johnson powers on with his Brexit timetable. The health service is one of the most emotive issues in British politics, and one of the few things that...
  9. Northerner

    Health Secretary takes aim at AI critics and declares war on NHS bureaucracy

    Although in the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has still found time to take a swipe at the critics opposed to his plans for technology investment in the NHS and has also said that he plans to tackle bureaucracy across the health service. Over the past 12 months...
  10. Northerner

    The harsh reality of nursing in the NHS

    A student nurse currently on a placement says she loves the NHS, but experiencing how strained it really is before she starts practising as a qualified nurse is disheartening. And another patient through the doors; they’ve had a fall and can’t stand up. Then, a patient with a head injury who’s...
  11. Northerner

    Third of UK doctors report burnout and compassion fatigue

    Almost a third of UK doctors may be suffering from burnout, stress and “compassion fatigue”, according to a survey that has raised concern about excessive workloads in the NHS. A&E doctors and GPs are the most likely to feel burnt out. They have the highest levels of exhaustion and stress, the...
  12. Northerner

    NHS 'rapid response teams' to help sick and older people at home

    Older people and the very sick will be visited within two hours by a “rapid response team” of health and care staff under new NHS plans to relieve the strain on overcrowded hospitals. The teams will include nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers and social care staff...
  13. Northerner

    Specialist clinicians have limited knowledge of NHS charging rules for migrants

    Services in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) are legally obliged to enforce rules on charging migrants and refugees, but clinicians working in HIV, sexual and reproductive health have significant gaps in their knowledge, according to a survey published last month in the Journal of Public...
  14. Northerner

    Staff at Hereford County Hospital can now power nap at work

    Doctors at Hereford County Hospital are being encouraged to take short power naps as new 'sleep pods' have been installed. Wye Valley NHS Trust has pledged its support to the national Fight Fatigue campaign and the sleep pods are part of a three-month trial for doctors to take essential power...
  15. Northerner

    Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust to utilise app for patient care

    Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and technology company Babylon Health have set up a 10-year partnership to deliver healthcare across the city through a specially designed app. They have described the approach as ‘digital first integrated care’, using the app developed by the company to provide...
  16. Northerner

    Workforce crisis leaves the NHS teetering on the brink - but there is a way forward

    The NHS workforce shortage is forcing staff to work long hours with no breaks, and go lengthy spells without eating, drinking, sitting down or using the toilet. And when they are that hungry, exhausted and overstretched, they make mistakes. This crisis comes after a year that, judged by any...
  17. Neens

    PPC Refunds

    Did anyone have a PPC when they were diagnosed? I paid for a 3 month pre-payment certificate and have been exempt since 4th Dec (although the card states the 13th Dec) I am not sure how they worked that out. I was prescribed Metaformin straight away but the GP had no forms so it was a while...
  18. Northerner

    Disabled man sent home from hospital with antibiotics almost dies of sepsis a day later

    A mum has been left distraught after her disabled son was sent home from hospital with antibiotics despite having underlying sepsis and kidney failure which almost resulted in him losing his life. Debra Newbert, 47, took her 22-year-old son Naythen Watkin to A&E at the Queen's Medical Centre on...
  19. Northerner

    Health secretary suffers blow after court rules suspending doctors’ pensions is illegal

    Matt Hancock has suffered an embarrassing court defeat after his controversial policy on suspending doctors’ pensions was deemed illegal. The health secretary was granted more power last year to suspend pension benefits to NHS staff charged with a crime, which the High Court has ruled breaches...
  20. Northerner

    At least 2.9million of UK pensioners are seriously overweight, NHS stats reveal

    One in four people over-65 in Britain are clinically obese, shocking NHS figures reveal. Now experts are calling for the sugar tax levied on fizzy drinks to be extended to help stem the epidemic. Tam Fry, chairman of the National Obesity Forum, said lack of exercise as well as sugary foods...