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  1. khskel

    Review Yesterday

    Very good review yesterday Hba1c 47 and consultant most impressed with the libre info I'd downloaded to my laptop. He was very pleased with my BG levels generally especially the low number of spikes and hypos. It would appear that our area are pretty certain that they will fund the libre on...
  2. M

    New and Libre obsessed...

    Hi, Diabetic type 1 for 25 years but life has been changed by the Freestyle Libre I am trialling. Am anxiously awaiting whether the local authority will be prescribing it from 1st Nov. Wonder if you are allowed to register with a doctor in an authority that WILL prescribe it just in case mine...
  3. TheClockworkDodo

    Questions About Libre

    I know there have been several threads about Libres, but I thought it would be useful to have a general thread for questions for Libre users from those of us who are thinking of getting one, or have recently got one - please feel free to chip in with different questions! My first one is - do...
  4. Sharon Barker


    My diabetes team recently gave me the option of a libre machine for free with a free sensor and I love it! However, when it came to putting the second sensor on (my nurse did the first) it didn't stay for more that a few days. I think I may have done a couple of things wrong but would love...
  5. Northerner

    Resistance is futile!

    OK, I give in, I have got fed up of reading everyone else's Libre posts so have taken the plunge and will be voluntarily connecting myself on a (semi)permanent basis to a biometric scanning device in the next 5-7 days :o Had a right palaver trying to buy the darned thing though - website...
  6. J

    Calling all diabetics....

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4225676/Diabetes-patch-ends-pain-finger-prick-tests.html Calling all diabetics in the UK: Abott Diabetic Care make this amazing scanner: FREESTYLE LIBRE which scans your blood sugar from a sensor stuck on your arm(totally painless) using a wee meter...
  7. Ljc

    Me and my new Libre Freestyle

    For those toying with the idea of buying one and also as a record for myself , I thought I would post a thread about my brand new Libre. The other week I decided to bite the bullet and purchase one. Silly me did not order extra sensors, more about that later. Abbott kept me informed and the...
  8. H

    Freestyle Libre sensor blood leak

    Hi, My daughter has diabet type 1. Here in Bulgaria, Libre is not offered so we ordered it from Spain. Everything was fine with first eight sensors but with last three we faced same problem - after setting it, blood started flowing through the center hole of sensor. After five to ten minutes...
  9. robert@fm

    Libre questions

    I have been reading a lot on here about the Freestyle Libre, and would like to get myself one, but I have a few questions. Firstly, I have late-stage CKD hence have to restrict my fluid intake to 1.5 litres daily (preferably 1 or less). Would the Libre work properly on me? Also, it seems that...
  10. SB2015

    Freestyle Libre bought

    I have finally stopped faffing (sp?) around and bought my starter kit from Freestyle. I plan to use it at intervals for specific purposes, as the cost makes it prohibitive to use all the time. First some basal rate testing, and looking at post meal spikes. The other sensor will be saved for...