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  1. F

    Please help

    Okay, I tried cinnamom, fenugreek, metamorfin and gynema.Nothing worked.I have problems with metamorfin,I feel weak with it and it caused me pain.Liver problems.I m vegetarian and metamorfin could cause my defiency in nutrients.Also problems with digestion.Im using probiotics.Could anybody help me?
  2. MAC2020

    Gains and Goals!!

    I read here that a poster needed to post her Good news (@Vonny) lest she burst!! I chuckled read her post and was really pleased for her but admit I felt a little sad for myself. Then a still small voice said "Wait, but look how far you've come!!" And I was immediately buoyed and cheered. So...
  3. P


    Hi everyone I have a 5 nearly 6 year old girl who has been so thirsty lately I Was not sure if it was heat or diabetes related so I borrowed a blood glucose machine off a friend and I tested her blood upon waking at it was 6.9....is this normal? I have no clue.. thenbi decide to test mine...
  4. LittleSunflower

    Keto Diet for a Beginner

    Having being told I’m prediabetic a few months ago, I am still struggling to change my diet for the better. To begin with, I cut out all of the sweet stuff but have found myself going back to that during the lockdown period. I have been researching the Keto diet and would really like to try it...
  5. C

    Having diabetes for 4 years and still most times feeling like it takes over me.

    About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 12, at the time I had no idea on what it was and it was all new to me, finding out what it really is and that it’s not curable killed me and to this day it still does with all the thoughts and depression that comes with...
  6. A

    Advice needed for T1

    Heya. I’m 28 years old, work full time and have been a T1 now for 12years. I have always been on novorapid as my fast acting and recently changed to Levimer as my long acting. However, this past 3 weeks I have been experiencing high BMs of 16 and above. Sometimes I have ketones, and sometimes I...
  7. O


    Ordered my prescription (17th December) with an app called Echo. I was using Pharmacy2U and they were good but I thought I’d try a new app I was curious bad mistake I guess... They had my prescription delayed sinc Ethan due to being “out of stock”. I contacted them (this week 13th January)...
  8. Neens

    Help please! Glucose Monitoring - technical support

    Evening, I finally got a monitor and was shown how to use it - my glucose level was better than on diagnosis (17.5)! Of course by the time I came to set up at home I had to find a video to remind me and using that and the instruction pictures... I messed up - so many times there is not a message...
  9. M

    Hello, Fellow Members

    I hope you don't mind me only using my website nickname since I wanna keep it discrete, for people here where I live survive off sticking their noses into people's lives, so better safe than sorry :) I made my account specifically to learn more about what's going on with my body and how to...
  10. J

    Online Research Survey - Predictors of non-adherence to insulin therapy..

    Hello Everyone :)!! I am currently in my 3rd year of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience at Westminster University. My dissertation investigates predictors of non-adherence to insulin therapy in individuals with Type 1 Diabetes. It’s a study aiming to distinguish factors contributing to <7.5%...
  11. K

    Pregnant, type 2 and new to injecting. Advice needed.

    Hiya, I've been a t2 for about 5 years and its been very poorly managed, thanks to hardly any help from nurses who told me i had it, gave me some tablets and told me to eat healthy. Mate. So now im pregnant and injecting. 31 weeks. Been on abasaglar for about 5 months and thats fine, always...
  12. B

    Just diagnosed

    Hi, I've just been diagnosed with type 2. At first I didn't feel like it would bother me. I knew I had to make some serious changes and I was ready for that but today I just feel like I don't even know where to start and that I want to bury my head in the sand and ignore everything. How many...
  13. chisterette

    Medtronic 640g Insulin Flow Alert

    Really hoping someone can shed some light on this for me... Saturday morning I planned to change my site for the first time since inserting in the hopital on wednesday afternoon (new pump user!). Everything seemed to go smoothly, I had the medtronic instructions out just in case I forgot a step...
  14. Jenmitch1993

    Looking for advice! ☹️

    Hello everyone. I don’t know if anyone here help or be a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve been upping my exercise and have really started watching what I eat over the last 2 years. I’ve noticed weight loss and I’ve definitely toned up, but I still have quite obvious fat around my...
  15. B

    Change of pump manufacture, I need help

    Hiya, I am currently on a Animas Vibe insulin pump (and been on it for the last 3 years) and as some of you are aware animas have stopped producing pumps in the UK now. I have been advised to change my pump provider within the next couple of weeks and I am posting this to ask you guys for your...
  16. Walnutwhip2

    Hi I’m another newbie (steroid injections HELP)

    Has anyone had a weird feeling with an awful headache after having a steroid injection? I had 2 today one in each wrist due to RA, the headache is so bad it’s effecting my sensitivity to light & noise. I think it may be an hyper, what can I do to stop it? Any ideas would be very gratefully...
  17. Bricky1991

    Scared. Hiding. Depressed

    Hi, I’m new here - I’ve just got back from a diabetic clinic. I was diagnosed two years ago at 25 with type 2 diabetes. For a long time I’ve buried my head in the sand. Why me? Woe is me etc...etc. I feel ashamed. Ashamed that I haven’t done anything about it but ashamed that I’d let myself...
  18. Talbothays Tess

    Pre diabetes

    Hi, I have just received a shock today as as a result of a general blood test my gp has told me I am pre diabetic. I just took the "are you at risk questionnaire" on this site and came out at low risk. So I am a little concerned and confused. I am not at all overweight, I don't smoke, am...
  19. jordmagx

    Freestyle Libre stopped working!

    Hi guys, I’m such a forum noob, and yet this is my second post within 48 hours! Basically, I got a Libre sensor fitted two days ago and all seemed to be fine. Until yesterday morning I got a bath and it started giving ‘HI’ readings where the graph showed my BG was 30+. In a panic I got out my...
  20. B


    hi, I’m really looking for advice from anyone who has gastroparesis. I’m type 1 and have been experiencing issues with food and eating. I have the most awful nausea and sickness, it’s just constant and also bloating. I’ve been tested for coeliacs. I’m waiting to see my gp but wanted to hear...