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  1. Karajane

    Finally spoken to Dr, finally got HBA1c, what do I do next?! :S

    Hi all, Im not sure if you remember me, but I posted about being diagnosed and feeling like it was my fault. Thankfully, you guys were amazing and Im doing a bit better mentally. 3 weeks after the letter just popped on the doormat, I have finally spoken to a Dr and found out my HBA1c is...
  2. B

    Advice on Australian healthcare needed

    Hello Everyone, I'm not actually diabetic myself but my partner has Type1. He currently injects with Lantus and NovoRapid. We have just had visas approved to do a working holiday in Australia for 12 months. I am wondering if anyone knows about or has experience with obtaining insulin in...
  3. Bricky1991

    Scared. Hiding. Depressed

    Hi, I’m new here - I’ve just got back from a diabetic clinic. I was diagnosed two years ago at 25 with type 2 diabetes. For a long time I’ve buried my head in the sand. Why me? Woe is me etc...etc. I feel ashamed. Ashamed that I haven’t done anything about it but ashamed that I’d let myself...
  4. N

    Level 3 University Student

    Hi all, I'm a level 3 university student, and I'm doing my dissertation on type 2 diabetes. I just need around 3-5 people for a short 5 mins interview. Would you be willing to help me? If so, please message me. Thank you
  5. L

    Worried about my son

    Hi :) I'm new here so forgive any mistakes! I'm really worried about my son - he's been type 1 diabetic for 16 years, diagnosed age 10. He lives at home with me and we're more like best friends, he's my inspiration. He's never had the best control and always had a high hba1c (8.5) but in the...
  6. G

    Hello - I'm new here and have a question

    Hi, I have had D2 for some times now, I controlled it through diet for a long time, I also have a auto immune problem and take medication for that. Due to my auto-immune problem I was put on steroids, this played havoc with my diabetes and I am now on metformin and was recently given a blood...
  7. B

    I think I have diabetes and Im worried

    I went to the doctor worried I might have diabetes or some form of it about 3 years ago and she sent me home with a blood testing kit and I had to record my bloods for a week. She read over them and said they were a little bit off but they were ok and nothing else was done about it I have...
  8. M

    Backpacking South East Asia with Type 1

    Hello everyone, I am looking for some advice. My girlfriend and I recently booked one way tickets to Thailand (we have money for flights back) and we will be travelling around SE Asia for a few months from country to country, including Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Phillipines, Sri Lanka...
  9. Sharon Barker

    WW / SW / Weigh loss help please!

    Hey folks, I'm desperate for some weight loss advice please. I've been a T1 diabetic for 5.5 years and this last 6 months weight loss is becoming a nightmare. It started at Christmas when I was having real trouble controlling my sugars and had to use a corrective dose on and off for three...
  10. CarlG

    desperate for help 5 years in and still have no idea

    Good afternoon I wonder if anyone can help me I’m desperate for help and I can not seem to find any. I’m was diagnosed as type 1 insulin based over 5 years ago but In the last year they have found that I’m not type 1 but type 2. After having a really bad time with doctors and constants NHS and...
  11. P

    Scared girlfriend

    My partner has had Type 1 since he was 10 years old. He's now 24, we've been together for 2 years and I love him to bits. Too much maybe, he's scaring me very much at the moment. He's never properly looked after himself since I've known him and I've tried in many ways to get him to wake up and...
  12. J

    Off pump back to injections....how?

    Hi all, new to Forum but after some advice. I've been on my pump 4 months now after 25 yrs of injections. I'm going on holiday to Spain next week and after much reading up and deliberation, I've decided to go back on injections for my trip. Does anyone have any advice on how to start my jabs...
  13. M

    Just diagnosed and my head is spinning

    Hi everyone, i have just had the call from the doctor and i have been given Metformin.. my first appointment is Wednesday to find out what i need to do. I havent been told what type i have and no advice on what to eat or drink.. could anyone help or point me in the right direction on the basic...
  14. C

    Can't eat fruits and vegetables - advice

    Hello all. I'm new here so apologies first of all! I'll give you a bit of background :) My name is Catherine, I'm 25 years old and I have severe allergies and intolerances to a lot of foods: - fruits and vegetables (mostly intolerances to the sugars so can have a bit but will make me feel very...
  15. E

    Question on Travelling for Type 1 Diabetes

    Hi, So my best friend and I are planning on going travelling for a year (maybe 18 months) around most of Asia and Australia and NZ. So I need help on what to do about my medication!! I have lots of medical conditions including type 1 diabetes. I've just been to see my GP and she said she can...
  16. S

    Looking for pancreas transplant patient

    Hi Forum. My name is Stuart and I've been a type 1 for over 25 years. over the last few years I have been getting a load of complications due both to the Diabetes and Sarcoidosis and the Tablets used to treat it. I have retinopathy,neuropathy, charcot joint, chronic pancreatitis and had all the...
  17. C

    Diabetic Neuropathy - Advice needed!

    Hi all, I'm new to this site, so hope this is the right board to be posting on! So, a little backstory: I'm Charley, I turn 23 on Thursday, and I've had T1 Diabetes since I was 9 months old. I had good control, and no issues until I turned 11/12 and was sent to boarding school and took on the...
  18. sugarthat

    Hypo feeling without the hypo

    Hello, I'm a new insulin user. I've had 3 hypos so far, nothing horrendous. A few days ago the usual symptoms came on. For me these are suddenly feeling ravenously hungry, jelly legs, weakness, feeling hot and my mind going haywire, meh lets just say the usual hehe. It was half an hour before...