Search results for query: empagliflozin

  1. M

    Hello, Type II here though it's somewhat out of control.

    ...for a couple of years and then had to start taking medications after ketoacidosis due to bingeing after packing up smoking, I'm now on Empagliflozin 25mg per day though stopped it yesterday again due to testing myself, I thought I had gone back into keto flu due to having under 30grams of...
  2. P

    BG is 9.8 but not taken meds today?

    So since I posted this I took my metformin, linogliptin and empagliflozin and just tested my BG and it's 7.2 so it's back down into normal range but clearly eating all those things too much is spiking my sugars. But I didn't think 9.8 less than an hour after a meal was particularly cause for...
  3. everydayupsanddowns


    Empagliflozin is an SGLT2 inhibitor, also known as Jardiance There are a few threads on the forum about it (not all complimentary!)
  4. Lucyr


    I won’t give my experience of empagliflozin as it sounds like you’ve read enough experiences of people getting DKA on it, and it does work well for many. I would say to be aware it isn’t advised to do an extremely low carb diet whilst taking it, so it may not be for you if very low carb is your...
  5. A

    Empagliflozin trimming up. I don't know what sort of diet you have adopted, but if you are using a low carb diet, you should have a read up about Empagliflozin as it can get a bit "complicated". I don't write that to attempt to influence you or scare you, but to try to ensure if you do go down this...
  6. A


    Hi there - One thing to remember is that people having issues with a medication or so on will often tell as many people about it as they can. I bet if you Googled Metformin, just as an example, you might find the same. I have to say I'd be miffed about any course of treatment being considered...
  7. Iwillgetthere


    ...90,) then proceeded to tell me about this wonder drug that would help me to lower my blood glucose, protect my heart and kidneys called empagliflozin that she would like me to look into and perhaps begin taking after my next full set of blood tests which has been set for the 15th of March...
  8. D

    Dexcom G6

    ...reasons that I started to be more sensible around this is because I was prescribed gliclazide as well as the 4x500mg Metformin and the Empagliflozin that I was already taking. So, for the moment I've decided not to start the Gliclazide and see if I can avoid adding to my medication. I was...
  9. P

    Several hours after eating a very heavy meal blood sugar 8.1-84. mmol/l

    ...suggests. Up to this point my blood sugars had been well controlled and regularly taking my medications (meformin, linogliptin and empagliflozin). Today I think I had a bit of a binge eat this evening had a really big portion of chicken tenders smothered in some kind of sauce (which probably...
  10. D


    ...I take a look at the numbers and ask myself if it's worth it. For the last couple of years I've been on Metform 2x500mg twice a day. Empagliflozin 1x25mg once a day. I've just recently also been given Gliclazide 1x40mg daily for a week then 2x40mg after that. My last HbA1c was around 70...
  11. Stitch147

    Medication advice sought

    I'm on 2000mg of metformin, 25mg of empagliflozin (a gliflozin like canogliflozin), 60mg gliclizide and 5mg of linagliptin. I haven't really experienced any side effects from any of them, apart from a bit of bloating after first taking metformin. Gliclizide can cause hypos, I was given a test...
  12. Eddy Edson

    Help! Metformin/ Tilomed

    I really doubt that 48 hours will make much difference. Metformin's effects on BG are pretty modest, and it hangs around in the bod for a while.
  13. S

    Help! Metformin/ Tilomed

    ...and has no more. Being Saturday evening, there isn't much we can do about getting his prescription delivered. As well as Lantus and empagliflozin (Jardiance) I also take Metformin 500mg tablets. What would you advise? Waiting until Monday morning for his repeats to actually be delivered? Or...
  14. D

    Searching for answers

    ...sent me for a chest X-ray that showed a partially collapsed lung (right). In the meantime I was taken off linaglyptin and put on empagliflozin to get my blood glucose levels down quickly. it seems obvious that some infection in my chest, (possibly pleurisy) has caused the chest pains, the...
  15. K

    Help and support needed

    ...the insulin. To cut a long story short, I am now back on my basal bolus regime after trying a number of things including Trulicity and empagliflozin and ending up in DKA twice more. My weight has gone up and I am stuck in a negative cycle of eating, hunger and increasing amounts of...
  16. Tommo77

    Neuropathy advice foot and after a bit of research, I’m convinced it’s a side effect of the meds. I’m also taking Metformin 2x 500mg twice a day, 10mg Empagliflozin a day and 40mg Atorvastatin a day, blood pressure is a bit high so currently home monitoring that too. Thank you so much for your help, people...
  17. D

    Hello all I have a question

    I was diagnosed at the beginning of October with a hbA of 109! I’ve been put on empagliflozin and metformin. I have also altered my diet and started exercising (just walking 5 days a week and and a few beginners workouts on YouTube at the moment as I am very overweight) I am testing my blood...
  18. A

    Lost 4.5 stone in 18 months but H1AC still high

    Hi there - whilst I can tell you are pretty deeply disappointed by your recent HbA1c, you are in a much better place than your starting point, relating to your overall health. I think the Abnormal but Expected status just marks out that this isn't the first time you've seen an A1c in that...
  19. Diyboy

    Lost 4.5 stone in 18 months but H1AC still high

    ...nurse in 2 weeks so will discuss further. I want to avoid extra medication. My surgery was insisting at end of 2019 that I move to empagliflozin (Jardiance) but, looking at possible side effects, I refused. I don't think they liked this....hence the 'as expected' comment. At least I am no...
  20. Inka

    Ideal daily carb and sugar intake.

    As you’re insulin (and other meds) you need to watch out for hypos. If you eat too few carbs, your blood sugar could go too low. Can you give us an idea of what blood sugar test results you’re getting?