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In the Garden

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I thought we had a gardening thread already but couldn't find it so thought I would start another one.

In my soggy garden February 2020

Lets see what's happening in yours?

DaffsPrimroses (563x750).jpg
I’ve got some flowering shrubs, (winter flowering honeysuckle and viburnum and some daffs. I’m not venturing out for a close up til it stops raining, so here’s a view from the back door!
Fab Robin 🙂 I have the quince in flower and there is some apple blossom developing but I don't think will last long with all this rain. Lots of primroses in flower in my garden also.Crocus (750x517).jpgPrimrosePnk (673x750).jpgPrimroseYel (750x563).jpg
I have quite a few crocuses, but they have been battered and blown to bits by the wind, pummelled and drenched by the rain and smothered and frozen by the snow 😱 Hardy little beggars -saw this as the snow started to melt 🙂

I think it will be a good couple of weeks before my daffs see the light of day, just poking their heads out on the soil currently 😱 🙂
All the 'daffs' I’ve got out at the moment are actually dwarf narcissi 'February Gold', which do exactly what they say on the tin. My common or garden daffs are only just thinking about life.
Snowdrops have nearly finished flowering now and garden looking really drab. However - lots of nice new green leaf buds on the hydrangeas already but the dried flower heads from last year are still on them - potty!
The accordion player at practice last night showed me a photo of her 'new pet' a huge bumble bee.
She found it outside in the cold and brought it inside to defrost. It seems to be happily visiting her flowers in the conservatory now, and hopefully will survive until the warmer weather comes - a few hours of warmth must have woken it from hibernation, but the cold night almost finished it off.
I think it will be a good couple of weeks before my daffs see the light of day, just poking their heads out on the soil currently 😱 🙂
....and it will be 12 months before I see my daffs! They're stil in the shed sprouting, along with tulip bulbs; crocus; snowdrops; + more. Why? Well...
1) I was ill. 2) No compost to put in tubs & window boxes; and 3) Bad weather.
So I'm going to experiment and plant them all in troughs & tubs, wave my magic wand ~ and see what happens! Watch this space!
I have quite a few crocuses, but they have been battered and blown to bits by the wind, pummelled and drenched by the rain and smothered and frozen by the snow 😱 Hardy little beggars -saw this as the snow started to melt 🙂

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That's wonderful Northerner 🙂 x
Snowdrops have nearly finished flowering now and garden looking really drab. However - lots of nice new green leaf buds on the hydrangeas already but the dried flower heads from last year are still on them - potty!

Re hydrangeas - mine too. I did spot a few green shoots on the clematis also.
Snowdrops have nearly finished flowering now and garden looking really drab. However - lots of nice new green leaf buds on the hydrangeas already but the dried flower heads from last year are still on them - potty!
I've still got quite a few snowdrops 🙂 I had a lovely lacecap hydrangea at my last house - it would grow like fury in the summer! 😱 🙂 Need to get a camelia too, I had one of those and there were about a billion beautiful big pink flowers on it every year 😱
I have snowdrops but most fading now, crocus, daffodils, primroses, iris, winter flowering heather, camellia, clematisis but I have some for every season.
I bought a new Camellia a couple of weeks ago in Aldi.
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.