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Madness in the USA

His rants are becoming more and more pathetic in my opinion. Let’s hope our government doesn’t agree with him on any of the things he says.
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This man is totally insane. His rants are becoming more and more pathetic. Let’s hope our government doesn’t agree with him on any of the things he says.
If Trump pulls all support for Ukraine, that will then leave it to Europe/NATO and we cant afford it, so that will leave only one option and that will be boots on the ground to test Putin to his limits.

If Putin gets Ukraine, he wont stop there, he will just keep going until he's on our shores, just like Hitler did.
The man is dangerous

Hasn't got a clue!
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Steady on everybody. The idea that USA foreign policy is somehow set by postings from one person (albeit the elected president) on his own social media platform is a bit of an over simplification of what is going on. Some of the stuff that Trump comes out with is weird, but I am guessing that what is being said two or three levels down, amongst those who have to make things actually happen is a bit more sane. At least I hope so.

If there is anything that really disconcerts me it is that Trump is simply behaving like the rather poor businessman that he is. His career is littered with poor business decisions, bankrupt companies and law breaking. My hope is that the sensible heads within the American economy will stop him bankrupting the USA in the same manner. If they don't then the USA will finish up in the same boat as Russia is now. Broken.
Steady on everybody.....
I really hope you're right, but very worried that it's going to get a great deal worse. So far Trump and Musk have taken wrecking balls to many parts of the administration and, while there are signs of resistance it's unclear what the end result will be. The stories of 'Project 2025' that were rumbling around pre election appear to be true which is going to mean they've put quite a lot of effort into getting things ready to go and they've certainly hit the ground running tearing things apart (particularly in relation to government bodies that would have been holding Musk's businesses to account.)

There's an interesting perspective on the link below, where Prof Christina Pagel has tried to categorise all the actions taken in the first 3 weeks into different types of authoritarian behaviour.

To be frank our American brethren have always looked after themselves first.
History show it time and again, they didn't want to get involved in WW1 or WW2 until they finally had no choice, but even then made money out of it. We (UK) were still paying them back war loans, (Lend/Lease program) etc for years after the end of the war, I think it was the 90's or maybe even the 00's when we finally stopped paying them back?
I've always thought the "special" relationship is a load of old codswallop too!
TBH its not such a bad thing though. Maybe we should be more like them, and maybe try to look after the UK first?
I have always taken an interest in news and current affairs but find Trump acting as the star of Apprentice and going for deals and lying too hard and it's only been four weeks since inauguration. .I suspect everything is to enrich the family oh there is oil and gas off Gaza. I'm sure as a former Russian satellite state there is corruption in Ukraine. UK too. Maybe Zelensky has had a few kick backs I don't know. But he has behaved bravely and honourably and is being treated appallingly by Trump. I have actually taken breaks from some of my favourite programmes as I feel sad and helpless.

Of course Americans cannot lose as they will provide armaments to the rest of us at a good profit.
To be frank our American brethren have always looked after themselves first.
History show it time and again, they didn't want to get involved in WW1 or WW2 until they finally had no choice, but even then made money out of it. We (UK) were still paying them back war loans, (Lend/Lease program) etc for years after the end of the war, I think it was the 90's or maybe even the 00's when we finally stopped paying them back?
I've always thought the "special" relationship is a load of old codswallop too!
TBH its not such a bad thing though. Maybe we should be more like them, and maybe try to look after the UK first?
Yes, I think that the phrase "Divided by a common language" is very relevant here: as you say, for the first half of the Twentieth Century the US had a broadly isolationist outlook and only got involved in what they saw as 'European' disputes when they couldn't avoid it. More recently, the US took it upon itself to be 'the world's police officer'. Perhaps Trump has a third approach in mind?
If Trump pulls all support for Ukraine, that will then leave it to Europe/NATO and we cant afford it, so that will leave only one option and that will be boots on the ground to test Putin to his limits.

If Putin gets Ukraine, he wont stop there, he will just keep going until he's on our shores, just like Hitler did.
And yet the mutually assured destruction (MAD) of Nuclear weapons was supposed to keep the peace in Europe. Putin is poised to declare victory over Ukraine .... and EU and Nato.
Trumps always made anti nato comments....nobody but usa contributes enough...usa carries everyone else blah blah blah

I can see this as his way of forcing a break up of nato....usa leaving at least
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I am not so much concerned about what is being said as what is being done.
The deportations are bad enough, but people are having their documents destroyed - so they have no way to establish who they are.
Any person of a sort not approved of seems vulnerable to it, and anyone doing things not approved of is likely to face prosecution of a most draconian sort which is likely to render them without an income, no chance of employment or even up to life imprisonment for things which were not considered illegal last year.
We had Musk doing a Nazi salute a month ago, and Trump backer Steve Bannon doing one yesterday.

Just to add the UK angle to this, both Nigel Farage and Liz Truss spoke at the same far right get-together as Bannon did.
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