Libre/Android spurious warning messages

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm new to the Libre system, still on my first sensor. My problem is that I keep getting a 'alarms unavailable, check settings' message as many as 20 times a day. I did get an alarm when I went hypo recently so clearly they do work. Anyone else hit this problem or know how to fix it?
I have the same problem. The alarms worked initially, but now they don't - same message. I haven't rung Abbott because I'm on holiday, but it's at the top of my to do list for when I get home.
I'm new to the Libre system, still on my first sensor. My problem is that I keep getting a 'alarms unavailable, check settings' message as many as 20 times a day. I did get an alarm when I went hypo recently so clearly they do work. Anyone else hit this problem or know how to fix it?
I sometimes get that when i've been nearly out-of-range (or out of range then back in range) and a couple of scans usually fixes it. Sometimes I have to go into the app, press 'alarms' then ok the box saying something like 'alarms unavailable', then scan. Sometimes I need to do the box thing more than once. A couple of times I had to reboot the phone.

Maybe it depends how effective bluetooth is with your phone. I think the line-of-sight range for bluetooth is 10 metres but going by averages (and sod's law) I think not all bluetooth phone implementations are created equal. So your range on your phone in your environmental (i.e bluetooth radio) context might be a lot less.
I sometimes get that when i've been nearly out-of-range (or out of range then back in range) and a couple of scans usually fixes it. Sometimes I have to go into the app, press 'alarms' then ok the box saying something like 'alarms unavailable', then scan. Sometimes I need to do the box thing more than once. A couple of times I had to reboot the phone.

Maybe it depends how effective bluetooth is with your phone. I think the line-of-sight range for bluetooth is 10 metres but going by averages (and sod's law) I think not all bluetooth phone implementations are created equal. So your range on your phone in your environmental (i.e bluetooth radio) context might be a lot less.
Ah, that makes sense! I was confused, since the alarms unavailable messages I got were only when I was using the app (and were incorrect, as it happens). But it might well complain that alarms are unavailable because it's lost connection, and that might well happen repeatedly. I just turned that alarm off (I'm not really relying on the alarms), but that might not be acceptable for other people.
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