Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A nice round 6 on this beautiful morning.

Boy, did it rain yesterday, we never stepped over the doorstep. It rained, torrentially, from 9am until goodness knows when as it was still chucking it at bedtime. It was fine we just chilled. Still had our PJs on until after lunch. Top rebs us!

Definitely going out walking in the locale today though. It may be clarty!

Photo today is of the hills behind us. Just taken through the patio windows.

Have a good one. 😎


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Morning all. A nice round 6 on this beautiful morning.

Boy, did it rain yesterday, we never stepped over the doorstep. I rained, torrentially, from 9am until goodness when as it was still chucking it at bedtime. It was fine we just chilled. Still had our PJs on until after lunch. Top rebs us!

Definitely going out walking in the locale today though. It may be clarty!

Photo today is of the hills behind us. Just taken through the patio windows.

Have a good one. 😎
Tell the Scots to stop hogging the rain - send it south west.
5.4 for me today. 🙂

Good morning - 5.8 - not being strict enough. Grey sort of morning but barely enough rain overnight to damp the grass. Alex the handyman coming - more improvement to the great Wolf containment fence. The big hairy s*d sloped off yesterday afternoon and had me and the neighbour out hunting. Me in the car, Mark on foot. Neither of us saw him until he came running towards the car with a great big grin a good kilometre from home. Looked far too pleased with himself for innocence.
Morning all. Looks like the stacked corrections worked, it slowly came down overnight and i woke to a 5.3. I prefer it a little higher into the 5s but at least its out of double figures.

Its damp here, not much rain overnight. Ironing to do today.

@eggyg the views look spectacular. Enjoy your walk.
@TinaD i hope you get the fence sorted.

Have a good Sunday.
Morning, think I’m getting on top of things again bg wise but definitely need some more time to get used to these lower bgs after so many months of highs.

Had a 4.1 at 4am, way over treated it as it woke me up and felt like I was dying. I also woke everyone else up creeping to the loo to wash my hands as the puppy heard me and started barking, no sneaking past her! So a bit tired this morning but surprised to find bg only 7.3 at 8:50
Good morning - 5.4
Snap @Northerner a 7.3 for me also. Just popped the oven on for sausage rolls etc. Granddaughter’s party today, should be interesting as SIL’s parents are going who have a very low opinion of me and have voiced it vociferously to my daughter. After 16 years I’ve had enough of it and they will be being blanked by me. I wouldn’t waste my breath on them as you can’t argue with stupid so smile on and head up me thinks!
Have a good day all x
As people go, i have an extremely low opinion of the sort of person who would denigrate a mother to her daughter. How unforgivable. Yes, keep your head high that you have not sunk to their depths.
Hello all been a little absent I'm fighting a monster cold and having a face that only works on the left side its been rather difficult to contend with spent two days in bed today's the first morning I've wanted to be up and moving about lft is negative so it's deffo just a cold Friday wasnt the best I don't remember much just nurse rachet telling me off cause I was determined to get up and go walk the dog and me getting all sulky and sullen with her because I was fever fueled and completely out of it. Saturday was a home visit from the docs my fever was high and I kept having some pretty bad nose bleeds and passing out every time I tried to get up and go to the loo or get a drink caved in stayed in bed at the insistancy of nurse ratchet she's a tiny little package of dynamite she's like 4 foot nowt wringing wet and she's totally in charge this big hairy bear is tamed she's been pretty awesome but I won't tell her that in case she gets any ideas hell hound hasn't left my side apart from a trip to the garden for loo breaks Amy's been every day for her and she simply gives her a little chuff and turns her back and won't let her put her harness on even with a bit of sausage wafted around near her isn't working {she'll stand on her head for sausage}
So hopefully I'm on the up this cold can bore right off now I don't have the time to feel ill I've been sick or injured for what feels like months.
Have a super day all
Keep smiling
Morning all on this grey day.

6.2 at 08:07 when I went to the loo, and then it went mad and dropped to 4.2 (complete with low glucose alarm) at 08:18. Followed by 7.8 at 08:44 and no sign of the 4.2 on the graph. This is worrying as it’s a new sensor only activated at 11:30 pm last night. However a fingerprick at 08:44 read 7.3.... we shall see.

@gll it was good to see that 14... but you will feel grotty as your body has been used to much higher levels. It will settle.

Awww @Griffin. lots of hugs, go easy on yourself and get over that cold quickly.
Good morning 5.7 on wake up about an hour ago

Have a great day everyone 😎
Morning all, 5.9 here. Had the briefest of brief rain showers earlier. I hope the weather doesn’t spoil the bank holiday weekend but we desperately need some more rain for the garden.
We had so much rain yesterday, Mr Eggy was hoping it was the same at home as his butt’s empty! His exact words, and he wonders why I can’t take him seriously. 😉
If it wasn’t raining our friend and neighbour is charged with watering the raised beds, but I don’t think she’ll think of filling Mr Eggy’s butt! ( It’s to keep the pond running.) 🙄
9.8 when actually got up I probably did do something a little a bit risky this when I checked at 5 mainly because I work up. And it was 9.2 I gave myself half a unit fingering I had room to drop if I happen to not rise but might stop it getting above 10 if I did. But Although it seemed to work out it was probably risky doing that we'll not being on anything.
Went to bed on 7.1, woke up the first time on 12.8 when the alarm went off and apparently it had been that high all night despite a modest Levemir increase.... clearly no where near enough! I popped my calf muscle again yesterday morning hunkered down cleaning the little banty coup out, so I had to take it very easy after that and the lack of exercise is definitely showing now. I absolutely refuse to start the day on such a rubbish number (and I would have to wait hours before I could eat breakfast) so I jabbed 5 units of Fiasp (bit of a sledgehammer possibly) and an increased dose of Levemir (+2) and went back to sleep for a couple of hours and woke up of 8.1 which is better but still not great, so I jabbed another 3.5 units for breakfast and that has continued to bring it down to a nice 5.8 and I managed to eat breakfast sooner rather than the usual 45+min wait, so hasn't worked out too bad.

@gll Good to see those numbers coming down now. Sorry you are feeling rough with it though. Hang in there it does get better.

@Griffin. You really are in the wars at the moment but so pleased you have the carer now and your GP keeping an eye on you too. Hope you are over the worst and you start to feel better soon. Sending gentle (((HUGS)))
9.8 when actually got up I probably did do something a little a bit risky this when I checked at 5 mainly because I work up. And it was 9.2 I gave myself half a unit fingering I had room to drop if I happen to not rise but might stop it getting above 10 if I did. But Although it seemed to work out it was probably risky doing that we'll not being on anything.
What is risky about taking half a unit then? I think that was a very sensible strategy. You were cautious about the size of the dose and knew that it wouldn't drop you dangerously low and it worked out really well by the look of it. Well done! You just did a successful experiment and hopefully learned that this is something that you can do safely on other occasions to keep levels in range.