Admin (Retired)
- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 1
Day 10 - tasty chocolate, vanilla and strawberry/vanilla low GI wafers, mmmm! 

Why does my mind conjure up images of enterology? 😱
Enterex chocolate sounds a bit like a laxative and quite possibly tastes like one too!
Day 12 - time to get baking with some of Lister's Diabetic Flour!
I wonder what's in it? LOL
And if a non-diabetic eats it, will he catch diabetes?
as a beverage it is the most refreshing drink that ever passed human
lips. It can be drank hot or cold, with or without lemon. The
phosphorus contained in the bran is vitally necessary for the develop
ment and vigor of the human frame. Ralston Select Bran makes,
therefore, the best drink for children, invalids and nursing mothers.
The drain on the system is replenished by the phosphatic nourish
ment contained in this simple but wonderful beverage. It aids di
gestion, cures torpidity of the liver, gives tone and color to the com
plexion, brightness to the eye, and is both nerve and brain food.
Persons who are fatigued, shop girls, care worn mothers, this is the
drink for you. Let anyone whose brain is tired take a glassful of
Bran Tea with or without lemon and the result will be surprising."
"...Let anyone whose brain is tired take a glassful of
Bran Tea with or without lemon and the result will be surprising."