Yum versus Yuk

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
All the talk about statins and how beneficial they really are in terms of numbers people who actually derive benefit from them got me thinking about all this 'healthy living' advice we get. So I was pleased to read this, about the risks/pleasures of bacon butties:

weirdly im having bacon sarnies for lunch lol

ty for post northener very good read x
im defo having a good fry up for my lunch now!!!!! hehehehe
All the talk about statins and how beneficial they really are in terms of numbers people who actually derive benefit from them got me thinking about all this 'healthy living' advice we get. So I was pleased to read this, about the risks/pleasures of bacon butties:

Dear Northerner,

I'm a great believer in the yum - in fact I eat fat and cholesterol like its going out of fashion. The idea that we should eat low fat - low cholesterol diets is not founded on good science it was decided by the Mcgovern committee in the 1970s. Have a look at the U tube videos I recently posted on this subject.

Regards Dodger
Interesting piece.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
It is particularly topical to me as I have spent the day down in the dumps beating myself up for ignoring things in the past (yum) that have caused me to be where I am today (yuk).
I know what is done is done but that doesn't make it go away!
Thanks again.
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