Ypsopump now loopable with Libre 3

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just saw this announcement from Abbott.

Looks like there’s another hybrid closed loop kid on the block!

Combination of Libre 3, Ypsopump, and Cambridge APS

Is Libre 3 available in peescriotion?
Is Libre 3 available in peescriotion?
No, not yet. I don't think any of the CGMs used in looping are. (Though I think Libre 2 is in some systems that are approved in the US so I guess they might be here one day. Or not, if Abbott really does migrate everyone to Libre 3.)
Just saw this announcement from Abbott.

Looks like there’s another hybrid closed loop kid on the block!

Combination of Libre 3, Ypsopump, and Cambridge APS

But when will CamAPS be available for iOS?? Last I checked, they were only available for Android, sob ...
No, not yet. I don't think any of the CGMs used in looping are. (Though I think Libre 2 is in some systems that are approved in the US so I guess they might be here one day. Or not, if Abbott really does migrate everyone to Libre 3.)
Yes, loopable CGMs are available on the NHS-- it's just getting the NHS to pay the subscription for the loop ...
Yes, loopable CGMs are available on the NHS-- it's just getting the NHS to pay the subscription for the loop ...
I guess that would involve doing payment via Apple (with their 30% cut) on iOS. Presumably similarly on Android come to think of it (unless it has to be side loaded, or there's some agreement with Google). (Quite likely that's not the problem and it's just that they started with Android and just haven't completed the port to iOS.)
A cheap android phone would be an option?
I looked into all this a couple of months ago, and CamAPS were promising an iOS version in something like 'second half of 2023' ... But, shockingly, the second half of 2023 is fast approaching! I must check again ...
Is Libre 3 available in peescriotion?

No it’s not on tariff for prescription. It needs finding like a pump etc (and other CGM).

I don’t think that’s likely to change.
I was wondering if that was a consideration in their choice to do Android first: maybe they were considering supplying the hardware too (which would likely make support easier).
I doubt Camdiab (the company that makes CamAPS) were ever considering supplying the hardware; they're a sweet little spin-off from research at Cambridge. In fact-- just had a look at Companies House: as of their last set of accounts, they had one full-time employee, one shareholder, and one director-- all the same person, Prof Roman Hovorka (https://www.mrl.ims.cam.ac.uk/research/principal-investigators/roman-hovorka/ ).

I was thinking simply that more people have Android phones ... On a little search, worldwide Android has about 70% of market share and iOS about 30%.
Yes, loopable CGMs are available on the NHS-- it's just getting the NHS to pay the subscription for the loop ...
… but hard to come by with funding.

I a, due to renew my annual contract for my sensors to loop with my pump and checked with my consultant just in case!! He advised me to purchase for another year. I was not surprised but just flagging up that it is quite difficult to get funding for sensors that loop.
… but hard to come by with funding.

I a, due to renew my annual contract for my sensors to loop with my pump and checked with my consultant just in case!! He advised me to purchase for another year. I was not surprised but just flagging up that it is quite difficult to get funding for sensors that loop.

It seems to depend on where one lives? ... I haven't been able to find the 'commissioning policy' for my own area, but I did find for example the one for Devon, at https://onedevon.org.uk/download/continuous-glucose-monitoring-in-diabetes/ :

"A 6-month trial of a secondary care procured rtCGM is routinely commissioned only for patients with type 1 diabetes who meet one or more of the following criteria", one of which is "3) Patients who receive insulin via a pump and who have been deemed likely to benefit from integration between CGM and pump by members of the specialist secondary care diabetes team". Ooh, that sounds good!

And then:

"The use of secondary care procured (non GP prescribable) rtCGM systems is expected to be assessed by the specialist team at 6 months (and then annually) against the following continuation criteria:

• A clinically relevant improvement from baseline must be observed in either
o Glycaemic control (HbA1C or time spent in a pre-defined glucose range), or
o The frequency or severity of hypoglycaemic events, or
o A reduction in the patients fear of hypoglycaemia, or
o An improved awareness of hypoglycaemia


• Secondary care procured rtCGM should cease if the patient is persistently non-engaged with the secondary care clinic.

If the continuation criteria are met the patient may continue to use a procured (non GP prescribable) rtCGM device."

SB2015, do you live in Devon? Just wondering, in case you do live there but they've recently changed their policy!
PS Have just found the policy for my area, brand new (April 2023), and expressed in similar terms to Devon's-- which is good, as I don't think I could afford to move to Devon!
Thanks @Spathiphyllum for the info.

I can get Libre or Dexcom on NHS in our region, but not the ones for looping, as yet. I think it will come as there is a minimal difference in the prices of the sensors, and the benefits are huge with reductions in hypos and also improved well being.

Things take time. At the start I never thought that we would get the Libre in prescription and now that is widely available.
Thanks @Spathiphyllum for the info.

I can get Libre or Dexcom on NHS in our region, but not the ones for looping, as yet. I think it will come as there is a minimal difference in the prices of the sensors, and the benefits are huge with reductions in hypos and also improved well being.
As the saying goes: From your lips to the NHS's ears! ; )

When you say "the ones for looping", do you mean e.g. Dexcom G6?
As the saying goes: From your lips to the NHS's ears! ; )

When you say "the ones for looping", do you mean e.g. Dexcom G6?
I am using the Medtronic Gaurdian 4, which is the only one that loops with their 780 pump.
Similar to the Dexcom G6.
I am using the Medtronic Gaurdian 4, which is the only one that loops with their 780 pump.
Similar to the Dexcom G6.
Having checked-- yup, it is in principle possible to get the Medtronic Guardian 4 on the NHS; it's just a question of where one lives ...

Which seems profoundly wrong! There should not be a 'postcode lottery'. ... I hope you're right, and that things change when the benefits are better appreciated.
Having checked-- yup, it is in principle possible to get the Medtronic Guardian 4 on the NHS; it's just a question of where one lives ...

Which seems profoundly wrong! There should not be a 'postcode lottery'. ... I hope you're right, and that things change when the benefits are better appreciated.
They are in theory available in my region but in a limited supply, so I need to wait a while.
I am fortunate to be able to afford to do so and happy to contribute to the positive data that is being gathered about the impact of the looping.
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