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Ypsomed - blood coming up through cannula


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was just wondering if anyone has had blood come up through their cannula after it’s disconnected from the tubing? It has stopped now but I’m debating whether to insert another cannula. Any advice please?
Hello @Beckyb300

I’ve something similar to that a couple times in my years of pumping. Where traces of pink come back into the insulin-filled tubing when connected to the cannula. I think it can happen when the inserter nicks a capillary in the skin.

Other times when removing a site I can get a real ‘gusher’ - doesn’t seem to always mean that the site was ‘off’ or not working, but a bunch of blood comes out and a bruise appears afterwards.

What did you decide to do in the end? How have your BGs been overnight?
Like @everydayupsanddowns I have had
  • Bleeds on insertion which have then stopped and the sensor has behaved well
  • Gushers on taking the sensor out
  • Ones where I have been surprised at the mess inside the sensor when I have taken it off -moist and bloody but no gushing
I had one that a small amount of blood seeped up the tube but I did a bolus and it didn’t cause a problem after that.

what did you decide to do?
How did yours behave overnight?

Where in doubt I monitor levels more closely for a while in order to decide whether to change the sensor.
Yes sensors are weird aren’t they. Sometimes the ones that bleed seem especially reliable. “A bleeder is a reader” as the saying goes!
I was just wondering if anyone has had blood come up through their cannula after it’s disconnected from the tubing? It has stopped now but I’m debating whether to insert another cannula. Any advice please?

I had that a couple of times with non-Ypsomed pumps. I always replace the cannula when it happens @Beckyb300