Hi. I loop using camAPS+dexcom6+Dana, so a bit of a different set up to you, but in terms of camAPS I am a huge fan. It’s my first pump/loop and I moved to full hcl after a couple of days of manual pump use.
my advice:
give it at least three weeks while it is ‘learning’. It is a bit different to more traditional systems, there is no moving between basal rates for example, so you have to let it do its thing.
Be aware camAPS can be sluggish in correcting persistent hovering around a slightly high reading eg 10. Do not be tempted to rage bolus as you/the loop will almost certainly over correct. My usual solution is some movement like a quick walk will shift the stubborn high much better.
there is a camAPS Facebook group (camAPS users)which supports both Ypso and Dana, and you might find it helpful to join.
Good luck ( I think you’ll love it)