Ypso pros and cons

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Type 1
I've been on a Medtronic pump for over 15 years (living with T1 for 45 years) and have dabbled with the Guardian 3 but are interested in the touchscreen, lack of calibration, and integration with phone app features of the Ypso pump with Dexcom G6. Without getting to trial the Ypso, its a big decision to make. Has anyone had experience using the Ypso and Dexcom closed loop that can talk to it's pros and cons? TIA
I've been on a Medtronic pump for over 15 years (living with T1 for 45 years) and have dabbled with the Guardian 3 but are interested in the touchscreen, lack of calibration, and integration with phone app features of the Ypso pump with Dexcom G6. Without getting to trial the Ypso, it’s a big decision to make. Has anyone had experience using the Ypso and Dexcom closed loop that can talk to its pros and cons? TIA
I have no experience of the Ypso but others on here have.

I am using a Medtronic after 8 years of using a Combo, and as you say it is a big decision when swapping. However I am already 2 1/2 years in with this one and so glad I swapped over which enabled me to use the looping. The new Medtronic sensors Guardian 4 require just one callibration per week after the two hour warm up. I am finding it reliable and happy to bolus from the SG reading. The pump is about the same as your old 640 and like you I find it irritating having to get the pump out regularly to bolus or respond to alarms. On the Combo it stayed tucked away and everything was done on a hand set, so this felt a bit like going backwards. Still well worth it for me, as the looping enables me to ignore my diabetes for a large part of the day.

Let us know how you get on.
I've been on a Medtronic pump for over 15 years (living with T1 for 45 years) and have dabbled with the Guardian 3 but are interested in the touchscreen, lack of calibration, and integration with phone app features of the Ypso pump with Dexcom G6. Without getting to trial the Ypso, its a big decision to make. Has anyone had experience using the Ypso and Dexcom closed loop that can talk to it's pros and cons? TIA

I think @Matchless might use the Ypso. @Rob C was asking about it recently too. Does it use CAM-APS to loop? If so, that’s very good and highly rated by my consultant (and the people who use it at my clinic).

For the actual Ypso pump, could you get hold of one and get a feel for it? My clinic offers pump handling. I also think it’s crucial to look at the cannulas on offer as they make or break a pump.
I think @Matchless might use the Ypso. @Rob C was asking about it recently too. Does it use CAM-APS to loop? If so, that’s very good and highly rated by my consultant (and the people who use it at my clinic).

For the actual Ypso pump, could you get hold of one and get a feel for it? My clinic offers pump handling. I also think it’s crucial to look at the cannulas on offer as they make or break a pump.
The Ypso does use the CamAPS to loop. As far as I know I am unable to get a Ypos pump on trial. I agree re cannula's and am excited about the 360 degree rotation. And thanks for links to others who may be using the Ypso. I will check these out.
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I have no experience of the Ypso but others on here have.

I am using a Medtronic after 8 years of using a Combo, and as you say it is a big decision when swapping. However I am already 2 1/2 years in with this one and so glad I swapped over which enabled me to use the looping. The new Medtronic sensors Guardian 4 require just one callibration per week after the two hour warm up. I am finding it reliable and happy to bolus from the SG reading. The pump is about the same as your old 640 and like you I find it irritating having to get the pump out regularly to bolus or respond to alarms. On the Combo it stayed tucked away and everything was done on a hand set, so this felt a bit like going backwards. Still well worth it for me, as the looping enables me to ignore my diabetes for a large part of the day.

Let us know how you get on.
Thanks for your thoughts and experience re Medtronic and changing pumps. And glad to hear the change to Medtronic and Guardian 4 is going well / working for you and is reliable. One of the appealing things about the Dexcom is the 10 day sensor rather than the 7 days for the Guardian, just because I am very tired of the constant need to jab re cannulas, finger pricking etc. Very grateful for this new technology though!
The Ypso does use the CamAPS to loop. As far as I know I am unable to get a Ypos pump on trial. I agree re cannula's and am excited about the 360 degree rotation. And thanks for links to others who may be using the Ypso. I will check these out.

Not so much a trial, just a chance to handle one. My clinic has dummy pumps so that people can get the feel of them, feel the weight, see the shape, see the basic menus, etc.

I have the DANA pump which is also loopable with CamAPS, but I don’t loop. However, a number of DANA users at my clinic do and some people on the forum too. It seems good software.

Yes, I have 360 sets with my pump. They’re more useful than I thought and I like them a lot. I do use other cannulas for different body areas though and so would always want a choice of Teflon, steel, 90 degree insert, and most importantly to me, angled insert.
Hi inka as you are interested in the ypsomed i have had my ypso pump since last july and am very happy with it it is very small and light as they say ,there is no text at all it is controlled by icons ,i found it a bit difficult at first remembering what they meant but all of a sudden it all clicked in place ,this month i had a updated pump that allows you to bolus from the phone app and also use closed loop with camsAPS witch i dont have yet ,yes the orbit infusion sets are brilliant soft or steel i can safely say its the best pump i have had so far it ticks all the things i like from a pump , also you can use p refilled insulin cartridges ,there is a ypsomed pump explorer app on google play store where you can view the pump in sort of 3D,if you want to know any more just ask good luck.
Thanks @Matchless I remembered you had the Ypso. I hope @trux4us finds your post useful as you seem very pleased with your pump 🙂 I’m glad you’re so happy with it🙂
Hi inka as you are interested in the ypsomed i have had my ypso pump since last july and am very happy with it it is very small and light as they say ,there is no text at all it is controlled by icons ,i found it a bit difficult at first remembering what they meant but all of a sudden it all clicked in place ,this month i had a updated pump that allows you to bolus from the phone app and also use closed loop with camsAPS witch i dont have yet ,yes the orbit infusion sets are brilliant soft or steel i can safely say its the best pump i have had so far it ticks all the things i like from a pump , also you can use p refilled insulin cartridges ,there is a ypsomed pump explorer app on google play store where you can view the pump in sort of 3D,if you want to know any more just ask good luck.
Hi Matchless, interested reading your post about your pump. I miss being able to control my pump from a handset, but the benefits outweigh that issue for me and my top criteria for selection now would be looping. However having read your post I am interested to know more about the looping option with your pump. I know that you don’t do this, but do you know the answers to the following
- Is the sensor required available on NHS?
- Is the CamsAPS a diy system?
hi sb2015 at the moment it works with dexcom but here in france libre3 is coming soon i hope my next appointment with my endo in august i hope to be given closed loop with camAPS with libre3 or dexcom ,i have only ever used FSL since it started with libre 1 with miao miao 1 then 2 how the years fly by hope this has been help full .
Thanks @Inka and @Matchless I am already two and a half years in to my current pump and it will be interesting to see what is available when I come to my next changeover. If there are options to loop using a sensor that is available on NHS by then that will be a big pull. However I know that I wouldn't swap to an Omnipod as I want to stick with a tubed pump.
With things changing so fast there is no point in thinking about it yet but ….
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