You've heard of CGM. What about CKM?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is there a demand for a Continuous Ketone Monitor?

I don't think I would bother with a stand alone one but I could see some value for people with Type 1 to have a combined CGM and CKM in one sensor (if possible) but only if it had alerts.

This one seems to be targeted at people on a keto diet but maybe it is the future?
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I can’t even get my test stripes from my surgery so this might be useful ha!

It is interesting, would be good if libre could do all
It would be good if a cgm would monitor other things that would feed into a more sophisticated closed loop, of that would alter your ratios...cheifly, to my mind, stress.
Ketones would be useful, but as ketones are only as issue with high blood sugars
I read about Abbott looking to combine glucose and ketone monitoring into one sensor. I personally think it would be fantastic
Is there a demand for a Continuous Ketone Monitor?
Like you say, for people on a keto diet. Also, there are people that use the Libre that aren't diabetic - the market for expensive tech kit that generates info to analyse is massive these days.
Like you say, for people on a keto diet. Also, there are people that use the Libre that aren't diabetic - the market for expensive tech kit that generates info to analyse is massive these days.
I just hope they don't start designing for the 'health' people and not for does worry me with the shorages of ozempic, what would happen if there was a sudden demand for cgms from the worried well.
It would be interesting to see what happens while I'm cycling, but as I've only done one ketone test in the past 20-odd years (which was earlier this year to test a new meter) I can't really see the appeal of a continuous monitor. I guess I may well be missing something important!
I only end up concerning myself with ketones when I am ill or have unexplained high Bg which is not responding to correction doses. I usually use a few ketostix and only if things are persistent do I switch to using my Libre test kit. Then 6 months later en up throwing away the rest of the ketostix.

I may be missing something but I am not sure I need to know my ketone level constantly.
This may be a higher priority for those on ketones diets.
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