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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The site has been going for two months - and I am going to introduce some new please be aware I can't please all the people all the time!
I have kept the message board as just 'general' - as everyone then reads the messages and can contribute - but as members are increasing daily I now think some sub sections will be beneficial. I warn you now - not every subject is going to be specified!! As I do want messages to be read and contributed to by as many as possible...
The sub sections I am going to put on are:
1 Sport
2 Parents + carers (I have though long and hard about this one as I do want people living with diabetes to answer the qeustions of parents & careres and it may not be a section they go into - so I am going to see how it goes...let me know if you think I should do this one...)
3 Local support groups

I welcome your suggestions via a reply to this thread and messaging me. Please be patient - this board will be continually be evolving.

I am also puting together a glossary - anything you think should be included - please let me know!
:D Many thanks all you lovely people :D
Just to say that i like that the main board is general and hasn't been split into type 1 and type 2, and hope it stays that way.

I like the idea of the parents and carers section and I see your point about other people not entering there. not sure how many people do but I tend to use the new posts link so see all new posts and don't really look at which section the posts are in.

I'd quite like to see an off topic section, from other forums it's been good to get to know people and not just talk about diabetes. This can add to the community feel of a message board.

The local support groups could maybe be extended to local services aswell? Like if someone wanted to know if a particular hospital ran a DAFNE programe. Or someone moving to a new area wanting to know if anyone has expereince of care in that area and where would be good to get referred to.

you are doing a great job :D

Can you widen "sport" to sport and physical activity, to not exclude largely non competitive, but physically demanding activities eg fell / hill walking, SCUBA diving, caving, rock climbing, cycling etc.
Glossary is a brilliant idea that way we will be able to look up words if we dont know what they stand for.
Hi Admin - keep up the good work! I particularly like the Sport idea - I have recently taken up running again and am doing a half marathon next month and although I have found I find it didn't help me that much? An Off Topic section would be good too!
Hi Admin - keep up the good work! I particularly like the Sport idea - I have recently taken up running again and am doing a half marathon next month and although I have found I find it didn't help me that much? An Off Topic section would be good too!

oooh I agree! An off topic section would be good, so that we can chat without it being all about a medical condition :D
How about useful links? There are a lot of good websites out there that deal with all kinds of things from diet and exercise to internet shopping. I use a very good tai chi web set and know of a couple of other diabetes forums users may like to explore.
Great site

Whatever you do, I am just so pleased that there's a site that can help, thanks so much. In the days following diagnosis, I came here and got so much information it was a God send.

Keep up the good work and thank you so much for running this.
this is a brillant site.i think a glossary would be a good idea sometimes dont uderstand some things.i knew 2009 would be a wonderful year for this site
had a thought on a pervious thread you said it was diabetes uk 75th alot of people read this thread i wonder if you could have a section on how we think it should be celebrated and pass it on to the relevant people.i know its not what you were thinking of for the site.just a thought!
DUK 75th

There will be lots of bits and pieces going on throughout the year, one is "Care For a Cuppa" I am hoping to run several of these in Peterborough in the coming months, might be a good idea to keep an eye open to see what is going to be promoted.
I think there is a really nice community feeling to this forum, I am relatively new here but am struck by the friendliness of everybody and I am so relieved to see that T1 and T2 is not being split.

A parent and carers thread is always going to be a good idea, because it gives those a place to ask questions, hang out, meet others in their situation. they need support and help as well.

Maybe a young persons topic - where other younger members can chat to each other, give support or share experiences especially if starting a new school, going to Uni or going travelling on a gap year.

Great stuff.

Not sure if it has already been mentioned (I have read through but not easy to concentrate today) I would like to see a 'general chat bar' where we can chat off topic, I think this will become very popular. Also a section for each local area or at least county so we can 'chat locally' and keep up with events and charity goings on in our region so we can help promote the events and attend them.

Hope this helps.


Hedz 🙂
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