Young Guy just diagnosed with Type 2!

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello, my name is Michael, I'm 28, and I've just been diagnosed today. I'm not going to lie, this is scary, especially as my GP was surprised I got it so young, but I'm going to try my best.

I'm determined to manage this as best as I can, and I'm trying to keep chipper, but I don't know a lot about diabetes so you might see me popping up asking silly questions.

Thanks 🙂
Hi Welcome though I'm sorry you had to find us. Feel free to ask questions, people here will do their best to help. We don't consider any questions silly ok.
How did you come to be diagnosed.
Welcome Michael, feel free to ask away, we are all here for mutual support.
Welcome to the forum Michael. Ask away!
Welcome to the gang @slashfantastic. As others have said feel free to ask any questions and one or more of us will be along to help wherever we can 🙂
Hi @slashfantastic, and welcome.

Can you tell us how you came to be diagnosed, and if you are on any treatment.? It will help us to give any advice you need. I know it's a bit overwhelming at first, but you've come to the right place for support and advice, for sure.
Welcome to the forum, ask any questions.
Hello to you Slash and welcome.
Welcome to the forum @slashfantastic - but sorry you have to be here.

It would be interesting to hear more of your story, especially given your young-ish age.

Did you have any symptoms that took you to the Dr? Were tests undertaken? And what information have you been given so far about what to do next?
Welcome Michael from a fellow T2.
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis Michael. You have certainly come to the right place. I know people are becoming diabetic younger and younger. I was sent on a diabetes prevention course last year due to being pre-diabetic. They told me that they are starting to check people in this area between 25 and 40 to catch people early as diabetes has become such a worry.

I blame it on all the rubbish food we have available these days and, I suppose, sedentary lives up to a point. I very often despair if I have to go anywhere like a motorways service station as most of the food is just processed carbs. I never realised how bad it all was until I started having to look at what I was eating. It was only when I came here that I discovered that all the muesli, toast, sandwiches, potatoes I was eating not to mention all the fresh fruit I was snacking on and dried fruit was causing me problems.
To respond to everyone, I had been feeling really tired for a few months, but in the last month or so I was really thirsty and occasionally I felt very ill. I booked in to see my GP, got a blood test, came back a week later and got my diagnosis.

I'm currently on 40mg of Gliclazide twice a day (One with breakfast and one with dinner) and I've just been given 500mg Metformin to take at breakfast just to get my blood sugar down a bit more to acceptable levels. The advice is just to watch my sugar levels, so no chocolate or sweet things for the moment. I'm not even sure if I can even touch a Twirl again!

In terms of my lifestyle, I'll be honest it wasn't the best - I ate processed food and chocolate probably more than I should have, my job was quite sedentary, but I did stick to sugar free drinks and as I'm not obese (I am overweight), the GP was a bit mystified as to why I'd got it so young. My feelings about it have moved on from being angry at myself, now I just want to deal with it, but a life of this does seem very daunting.
To respond to everyone, I had been feeling really tired for a few months, but in the last month or so I was really thirsty and occasionally I felt very ill. I booked in to see my GP, got a blood test, came back a week later and got my diagnosis.

I'm currently on 40mg of Gliclazide twice a day (One with breakfast and one with dinner) and I've just been given 500mg Metformin to take at breakfast just to get my blood sugar down a bit more to acceptable levels. The advice is just to watch my sugar levels, so no chocolate or sweet things for the moment. I'm not even sure if I can even touch a Twirl again!

In terms of my lifestyle, I'll be honest it wasn't the best - I ate processed food and chocolate probably more than I should have, my job was quite sedentary, but I did stick to sugar free drinks and as I'm not obese (I am overweight), the GP was a bit mystified as to why I'd got it so young. My feelings about it have moved on from being angry at myself, now I just want to deal with it, but a life of this does seem very daunting.
Welcome :D
At least they have caught it i was scared , terrified in fact :(
I came straight here after nurse told me to come and read, i then went on a slimming world thread and read for 2 weeks so i understood it, then joined 20 weeks ago and have lost just over 3 stone and all my numbers are down :D :D
Do you test you BG?
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Welcome :D
At least they have caught it i was scared , terrified in fact :(
I came straight here after nurse told me to come and read, i then went on a slimming world thread and read for 2 weeks so i understood it, then joined 20 weeks ago and have lost just over 3 stone and all my numbers are down :D :D
Do you test you BG?
I do, yeah - currently at 9.9, originally it was 21.5 on Monday so I've come a long way already and it seems to be easily managed as long as I'm smart about it
I do, yeah - currently at 9.9, originally it was 21.5 on Monday so I've come a long way already and it seems to be easily managed as long as I'm smart about it
Well done that is amazing in such a short time :D
It is getting to know what you can and cant tolerate , i cant tolerate any rice for instance but can fruit, just not grapes
Hello Michael and welcome to the forum. 🙂 That's an interesting board name? Well done on getting your bg down.
Hi Michael.

I was diagnosed at 28 as well, so I know JUST how you're feeling. Any questions you have, feel free. I know when I was first diagnosed I had very few people or resources and it was as you say daunting. If we can be of any help, we're here.
Hello, my name is Michael, I'm 28, and I've just been diagnosed today. I'm not going to lie, this is scary, especially as my GP was surprised I got it so young, but I'm going to try my best.

I'm determined to manage this as best as I can, and I'm trying to keep chipper, but I don't know a lot about diabetes so you might see me popping up asking silly questions.

Thanks 🙂
Hello Micheal, my name is John. I am sorry to that you just found out that you have diabetes. I was told by the clinician at my GP that I had diabetes long ago. I just found out in June. Before I came back to London from Birmingham I noticed that I had to drink lots of water. I had a dry throat at times, I wee a lot and felt exhausted.
Hi Michael and a warm welcome to our supportive forum. Sorry to see you here but you will get lots of collective advice & help from us friendly folk - so do pleaae ask as many questions as you need to and we'll do our best to help.

Being diagnosed with Diabetes does come as a shock doesn't it and a daunting prospect at the very least, but if you stay on here you will pick up plenty of tips to how you can better manage your diabetes.

Good to see you have a meter to test your bgls (Blood glucose levels) By doing this, it will determine what foods/drinks spike your bgls so you can avoid eating the same again. Did your GP or DSN (Diabetes Specialis Nurse) supply you with the test kit - or are you self funding it?

Its the carborhydrates that spike your bgls so best to avoid white bread - pasta -white rice - potatoes and any veggies that are grown below ground level i,e, carrots swede raddishes etc you need to cut down as many carbs as you can

I'm introducing you to a book called the CARB & CAL COUNTER - which I'm sure you will find very useful - it has 1700 illustrated photos and a guide for when eating out. Theres also a pocket size version - both of which can be purchased from Amazon for approx £10 & £6.99 respectively. Photo attached. Although I was diagnosed T2 in April last year I still refer to the book which I keep handy in tbe kitchen for easy reference.
Good luck with your quest to lower your bg numbers Michael - take care & do please keep us updated x

Dx April 2016
Diet control and exercise only
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