You Know You're diabetic when.....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I found this on Facebook and it made me laugh as some of its so true! so thought I'd share (its American but its still funny)

You Know you're diabetic when......
You get excited when your pump company comes out with new updates or colors
You say that you feel ?high? in public and then wonder why people around you give you weird looks
You?ve been known to often say ?this one time, at diabetes camp??
You think regular soda tastes completely disgusting
You know what the terms A1C, diabetic ketoacidosis, glucagon, basal/bolus, and endocrinologist mean
You know the amount of carbohydrates in basically every food known to man
You have a favorite flavor of glucose tabs (and you know what they are)
You notice a friend?s been drinking a lot and you automatically assume they must be an undiagnosed diabetic
You?re parents ask how you?re doing and you tell them your blood sugar
You have test strips all over you purse, car, and bedroom
You hear something beep and you wonder if it?s your cell phone or insulin pump
You think it?s funny seeing the look on people?s faces when you give an injection in public restroom
You think of blood sugar not bull shit when you see the initials BS
You use being low as an excuse when you do something dumb, but get extremely offended if you're in a bad mood and someone tells you to test your sugar
You are abnormally good at multiplying by 15. Thank you carb counting.
You have a debate about the best & worse glucose tab flavors and take it seriously
You get incredibly tired of having to explain to people 'no I don't have the same thing as you're 800 pound grandma...' (especially if you're type 1)
You know it's diabe-TEES, not diabe-TUS or diabe-TISS

Anyone identify with any? or add any?🙂
Thanks for that sunflower_ harvester that made me laugh so much and all so true! If you weren't a diabetic you wouldn't find that funny. I've had the strange looks when you say u feel high lol.
I like to see the looks on peoples faces when I say i'm going to 'jack-up' and disappear off to the rest room. I leave others to expalin what i'm doing.
lol that is really funny 😛
nd most of is acctually true!!! (except i dont have a pump) :D
I refuse to use the rest room to 'jack-up' as they are often dirty smelly places. I don't feel the need to hide what I'm doing. If anyone has a problem with that then it's them who have the problem, not me.

I've only ever had one comment from someone when I was injecting and that was when I was in a rest room.
Lucozade tablets (and esp the orange falvour!) all the way for me LOL!!🙂
I don't try to hide the fact that i'm injecting, but my preference is to inject in my legs and even in today's enlightened and liberal times, dropping one's trousers is not always acceptable.
I always say "I need to jack up" always fun 😉

And I always have loads of test strips at the bottom of my bag, which is quite gross lol
I tend to inject in my stomach/leg under the table, through my clothes, so it's very rare that anyone even notices what I'm doing.

I like this list but since pumps feature so much, are they more common in the USA? I would assume they were rarer since insurance companies would be unwilling to pay for them...
I tend to inject in my stomach/leg under the table, through my clothes, so it's very rare that anyone even notices what I'm doing.

I like this list but since pumps feature so much, are they more common in the USA? I would assume they were rarer since insurance companies would be unwilling to pay for them...

They are more common in the states. It seems it's partly because the health insurance companies are able to think more long term so can go for the more expensive treatment knowing the cost of complications is likely to be lower. The other reason is that, for patients who have good insurance, doctors have less constraints in what they prescribe, in most cases the insurance company will go with the docs opinion.
Around 20-30% of type 1s in America use pumps, compared with 15-20% in Eu states and 2% (thats right two) in the UK.
Not really clear why, think aymes is onto something but think that the fact pharmaceutical companies are allowed to advertise direct to the public unlike the UK may also have an effect and it would seem that, in the US and EU, pumps are seen as alegitamate early form of treatment rather than the UK stance of last resort.
I don't try to hide the fact that i'm injecting, but my preference is to inject in my legs and even in today's enlightened and liberal times, dropping one's trousers is not always acceptable.
i usually inject in my stomach with meals. i dont hide the fact im injecting, ive done it in a very busy, crowded mc- donalds before i dont care, im doing nothing wrong, get some funny looks though, especially from older people. there is a stigma to diabetes but if we hide away nothing will ever change.
The only time I ever had a problem is when a young female was spouting off how some weirdo must be diabetic because he was drunk and injecting. I handed her a diabetes UK leaflet asked her to look up the web site and told her not all people who inject are diabetic. All the people I know who are diabetic don't want to be but have learned to live with it because in our own unique way we are all special and naturally sweeter than everyone else!
The only time I ever had a problem is when a young female was spouting off how some weirdo must be diabetic because he was drunk and injecting. I handed her a diabetes UK leaflet asked her to look up the web site and told her not all people who inject are diabetic. All the people I know who are diabetic don't want to be but have learned to live with it because in our own unique way we are all special and naturally sweeter than everyone else!
well said !!!!!!
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