York Primary Care Trust

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I currently live in an area where I get CGM (Medtronic) and pump funding from my PCT. We are thinking of moving to York in the next year but from what I can see of their policy they have limited funding for CGMs for those new to it. Does anyone know if funding can be transferred if you have an existing clinical need
I currently live in an area where I get CGM (Medtronic) and pump funding from my PCT. We are thinking of moving to York in the next year but from what I can see of their policy they have limited funding for CGMs for those new to it. Does anyone know if funding can be transferred if you have an existing clinical need
I can't specifically answer your question. But there are new funding processes in place, whereby CCGs were replaced in July 2022 [edit: started in 2019, went live 1 July 2022] by much, much larger geographic Integrated Care Syrstems (ICS). For example I was under a CCG in S Bucks, which covered my GP Surgery and a few other Surgeries, plus our local S Bucks Hospital. These have now all been subsumed into the Bucks, Oxford and Berkshire West (BOB ICS). I will be moving 40 miles away, but still under the same ICS, so I've been assured my medical cover will remain as it currently is.

If you do a Google search to determine the ICS covering your future move location you should be able to ask that ICS, probably through the Patient Access Liaison Service (PALS), what the funding policy is for people moving into that region from outside - assuming your moving to a new region. That said, I'd struggle to believe that there would actually be a problem with getting continued funding for your CGM and pump. The requirement has been previously justified and a solution provided. But checking this, by email and asking for an email (thus written) response would always be prudent.
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Hope the switch goes well @worriedT1

Could you email the endocrinology department at the hospital you are likely to attend and ask them?
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