Yoga and Pump

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi I am going onto a pump on 20.02.12 starting on saline then on 27.02.12 going live,
I enjoy cycling to work and doing yoga and things been ok on MDI. But did a power yoga class last night for first time "pretty intense" but great fun. Bloods were bit erratic after class, went very high then low just before bed.
Does anyone else do yoga of any kind and could give me some tips as to how best to get on once i on the pump. Is it worth disconnecting or are there some cunning places to put your pump so as it doesn't get in the way. Any help with this much appreciated 🙂

Personally I wouldn't disconnect it unless it's a really short class - I don't like to have my insulin supply cut off! If you see a pattern of running high after exercise (I always go high after running) you could look at an increased temporary basal rate, then dropping it right down to stop the low - the key will be testing, testing, testing to see if this is what you need.

You could try putting it in a pocket, clipping it to the front of your tshirt, waistband on your trousers, the back of your tshirt...or you could invest in a pump belt, so you can wear it under your clothes. Lots of options! 🙂
Hi I usually put a temporary basal of 20% on my pump for pilates, yoga and my weights class, I usually put the temp basal on about 15 mins before my class starts and keep it on for the duration. It's different for everyone though.

I have a spibelt which I wear for all my exercise classes, you can shift it to the side quickly when you need to lie on your tummy! It's very useful I find. I used to disconnect completely when I was first on the pump but I now prefer to keep it on me - terrified it will get stolen out of the changing rooms! 😱
Thanks for the advice guys, expect it will just be trial and error. Dont want to disconnect as class varies from an hour to hour and half so bit of manouvering I expect ha ha ha. Have seen the Spibelts and think I will invest in one of them and see how I get on. Cheers.
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