Yippee - snow for skiing

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Much missed Moderator
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Type 1
I know it's not good news for everyone, but as soon as I've finished breakfast, I'm taking my nordic skis to our local recreation ground (Cambridge) to spend the morning there. I wasn't going to work today and only a short meeting on Tuesday afternoon, which is great timing! Only the 3rd time I've been able to use my skis in Cambridge in nearly 10 years. Luckily, nordic skis don't need slopes, but I might head out to Gog Magog Hills / Wandlebury if snow stays / gets deeper.
Have fun!
It looks amazing looking out of my window! Not sure if I am going to go out at all today but am not going to work now as have hurt my back.
I have a very excitied small boy who wants to go out and play. None of the grown ups are sure we want to go out.

I emailed work to let everyone know I can't get in (no buses and no trains), and they all pick up work email from home. None of them have managed to get to work either!
Just back from my first hour out. A friend is bringing her 2 teenage daughters this afternoon, all for their first try - schools are closed and my firend can't get to work, either. Yippee!
[GRUMPY OLD MAN] I wish the stuff would hurry up and melt...![/GRUMPY OLD MAN]😛
[GRUMPY OLD MAN] I wish the stuff would hurry up and melt...![/GRUMPY OLD MAN]😛

Im with you!!! I hate anything COLD. am off work today and will be getting well wrapped up to go shopping. :(

Coperod, glad you are enjoying it all. I admire all your energy!
I agree with Northerner and Tracey. After an epic 2 hour journey to get here I found no-one else had....but the good news is that we can all go home before 3 if we are driving. Woohoo!
Awww, don't spoil it! I love the snow, very disappointed that we've not been as affected here as everywhere else seems to have been! I work a 15minute walk from home so no way of getting a snow day for me!!
I'm just jealous Aymes at my bad decision to attempt to come towork when I could see loads of school children building snowmen! But....I've already said I'm NOT attempting it tomorrow if the roads are still bad ....:D
Tell me about it, my housemates are teachers and all have the day off, I'm very jealous too!
although i do like the snow i will not be venturing out in it as im suffering from a cold at the min (partner says its man flu!!! lol) but i admire you copepod for the alpine skiing. used to ski a little myself, but havent done any for a few years now lol
Definitely nordic skiing, NOT alpine - I don't like alpine skiing, not least because it's easier to use nordic skis, with no need for slopes and lifts, although I have ski toured on flat, slopes, frozen lakes, glaciers etc, depending on whether in Cambridgeshire, Pennines, Cairngorms, Norway, Greenland, Svalbard etc. No chance to practice telemark turns for several years, though, as haven't been near slopes with snow and skis at the same time.
lol sorry copepod ment to say nordic and not alpine.
Definitely nordic skiing, NOT alpine - I don't like alpine skiing, not least because it's easier to use nordic skis, with no need for slopes and lifts, although I have ski toured on flat, slopes, frozen lakes, glaciers etc, depending on whether in Cambridgeshire, Pennines, Cairngorms, Norway, Greenland, Svalbard etc. No chance to practice telemark turns for several years, though, as haven't been near slopes with snow and skis at the same time.

many apologies believe I called you coperod?? blame the diabetes, typo and all that😉
ive received a couple of pics on my phone of my nephew playing in the snow, he's made his first snow man! safe to say hes a very happy boy (albeit a cold one)
I don't mind typo errors, but I do object to being called an alpine skier! Just back from 2nd session of the day, introducing a friend and her 2 teenage daughters to nordic skiing - fortunately all have the same size feet as me. I'll be heading to the slopes tomorrow, but need to be back for a mid afternoon meeting, on foot, ski or bike - if the other person can get into town, of course.
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