Yesterday...I said Hello.

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Thank you for the responses. I expect to ramble. Covering all the points that I can.

Today I am conscious of not saying do this or do that. Or believing everything we see in a newspaper. Online. On MSM or a supposedly genuine study. We are all individuals.

With care...I am also looking into items in my diet that may naturally slow down sugar hikes. Cholesterol. Other health issues. Spoken of too much not to have some truth in what we know. Though again they could react with prescribed meds.

Sometimes we should try ask our Dr's or Consultants "Can we take these"

I once asked my kidney specialist "Can I take CBD capsules for pain relief" His reply..."I cannot prescribe them. I cannot tell you to take them. But I have patients that do and it helps them"

I rarely have used them as it happens. But I digress.

So what am I using now. Are they helping?

So far they are not working against me. I could link to what I have seen but I probably shouldn't. It may be closed down if I do.

What? The spices. The most often mentioned positively being Turmeric. Ginger. Garlic. I have approx another seven. A new one to me Fenugreek. You can buy capsules from well known health shops. But find them much less expensive on your supermarket spice shelve.

Some you can add into your tea or coffee. Infuse. Or add to stews. Or sprinkle on food.

Anyone else trying this. Having success. Is it clutching at straws.

And since yesterday still struggling with my glucose monitor I tried a urine strip that tests approx eleven conditions with my first "wee" of the day.

I know that some dismiss strips but...everyone one except specific gravity has given me a good reading on keytones, blood, protein, glucose etc...and much more.

Time will tell. As will tweaks to my diet.

Interested in any thoughts you have and going through posts on the forum.

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The most often mentioned positively being Turmeric. Ginger. Garlic. I have approx another seven. A new one to me Fenugreek.
None of these are going to bring down your blood sugars
None of these are going to bring down your blood sugars
OK...its like I said. It's good to see what people's experiences are. What has hindered, been futile, or has helped. Or is total bunkham.
In your first post you mention not eating much cake, etc @Gildersleeve but it’s all carbs, including savoury ones like bread, potatoes, rice, cereal, etc, that can raise your blood sugar. If I were you, I’d write down an average day’s food for you, and look at places where you can reduce the carbs and add extra green veg.

If you have any weight to lose, that should help, as will exercise. That doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym. Things like swimming and walking are both good, particularly walking as that’s easy to fit into the day.
As regards the spices you mention, it is worth noting that there is quite a high incidence of diabetes in Asia, where they culturally eat a lot of these spices regularly, so I very much doubt spices will help your diabetes management, so please only include them in your diet if you enjoy the flavour rather than spending money on capsules which are unlikely to be beneficial.
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