Yes, we can fix the NHS, says Gerry Robinson

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Turning the health service around is not impossible, and we can start by all becoming whistleblowers, says the star of the BBC series 'Can Gerry Robinson fix the NHS?'

Fear is a lousy mechanism for running a business. You can?t terrify people into working better for you. But you can?t detach from your staff either and just let them get on with it, never reporting back the failures or the successes.

The ideal boss isn?t hated or feared, but he or she most certainly is not invisible either. They will be the sort of character anyone in an organisation feels they can go to with a problem or a solution; one who is respected and trusted, and whose word or final decision is always law.

Just the sort of boss we ought to have running the NHS and our hospitals,
don?t you think? Yet, clearly, as the terrible, shocking, catastrophic saga of failures at Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust has shown us, one who doesn?t exist ? yet. Because until we recognise that current management practice in the NHS is unacceptable, the appalling tales of patients being forgotten and denied basic care, of being subjected to physical and verbal abuse, in short of managerial incompetence turning to tragedy, will continue.
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