Yes, the NHS has been weaponised, but it was the Tories who primed the guns

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ed Miliband has no need to “weaponise” the NHS. It’s a sidewinder missile all on its own, headed straight at Conservative Central Office, guided there by themselves. Any drone hovering over the NHS right now cannot fail to see where it is bursting at the seams.

Not surprisingly, the government is trying to silence the NHS by attempting to stop A&E departments declaring a major incident when they are full up, ambulances stacked at the door and unable to take more patients. David Cameron pretended that this was just a West Midlands instruction, but Labour produced an NHS England document in which hospitals were told, under the heading “Politics”, that they must get it “agreed with the on call director for NHS England out of hours” before making an announcement, after considering “excessive media coverage” and asking itself, “Is there a requirement to bolster or assure public confidence. Is there a risk of reputational damage?” The pressure on NHS staff and managers to zip their lip is intense.
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