Yes, It was a shock to the system- eyes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Guys,
Been awhile. Hope all is well.
Had my annual eye screening in August. First time in 12 years, it came back with slight tears at back of the eye. As I had an OCT scan with the all clear, it was a shock to the system. Plus, I used to get so anxious reading my blood pressure, I had stopped. I restarted today. It was high, and I may need an extra blood pressure med to keep it in check.
I must admit, the previous results gave me a false sense of security. All a rush of energy. Good thing is the retinopathy is slow, so... TIME to adjust. A mixture of frustration, anger, a bit of shock.
Onwards and Upwards
Hi Guys,
How is everyone doing? I realised the reason for my mood change, it is/was a shock to the system regarding the small tears at the back of my eyes. Usually, I am the type of person who will say " Yes, you know, now come on, onwards and upwards". But my mind is taking it's time. Its like when I was diagnosed back in 2011. It's a case of acknowledging it and accepting it, and coming on this forum more than before for the advise and support. No person is an island.
It’s bound to bring you up short, any health issue is like, well things were just swimming along nicely before, and now suddenly I’ve got this to deal with, why couldn’t things just have gone on as they were?. It takes a period of readjustment to the 'new now'. There are a lot of people on here who have had eye issues, I can’t think of any offhand that I can tag, but having a look in the search box will throw up people who have faced/ are facing the same, and to know you’re not alone and to know what treatments etc are available is sometimes a great help.
Welcome back Rustee and sorry to hear you have some changes to your eyes. Do you know what the tecnical term is for the issue you have developed? Is it "background retinopathy" or something more serious? Have they told you that you need treatment or specific follow up appointments? Hoping it is just background retinopathy which can resolve itself if you manage your diabetes as well as you can. High BP will not be helping so good that you are getting some medical support with that.

Have you made any dietary changes since your diabetes diagnosis, as a low carb way of eating can help reduce high Blood Glucose and high BP and help bring Triglycerides down, so it is worth looking at your diet to see how you can improve that. We can help you to make some simple swaps if you would like help, so do ask.
Welcome back Rustee and sorry to hear you have some changes to your eyes. Do you know what the tecnical term is for the issue you have developed? Is it "background retinopathy" or something more serious? Have they told you that you need treatment or specific follow up appointments? Hoping it is just background retinopathy which can resolve itself if you manage your diabetes as well as you can. High BP will not be helping so good that you are getting some medical support with that.

Have you made any dietary changes since your diabetes dreadingsiagnosis, as a low carb way of eating can help reduce high Blood Glucose and high BP and help bring Triglycerides down, so it is worth looking at your diet to see how you can improve that. We can help you to make some simple swaps if you would like help, so do ask.
Hi it's background retinopathy. Very small, so no action to be taken. I used to avoid reading my Blood pressure, but I did it recently, and it was a wee bit high. I used to only want the amlodipine. But, I plan on emailing my Doctor the results of my
readings. I was determined to only do it via beetroot juice, but to no avail. Dietwise -I was a bit lax lately, especially in my work......Major changes have happened since I was told about the background retinopathy
Hi it's background retinopathy. Very small, so no action to be taken. I used to avoid reading my Blood pressure, but I did it recently, and it was a wee bit high. I used to only want the amlodipine. But, I plan on emailing my Doctor the results of my
readings. I was determined to only do it via beetroot juice, but to no avail. Dietwise -I was a bit lax lately, especially in my work......Major changes have happened since I was told about the background retinopathy
Some people do get 'that letter' about the background retinopathy but the next check it will be all clear so for many it is something that resolves itself. Obviously managing your blood glucose well will help.
There are many blood pressure medications and sometimes it needs a combination of two different ones or a higher dose may work. I found a higher dose of amlodipine gave me swollen ankles and feeling weird so another med was added. But then even the lower dose of amlodipine was causing a problem so now on a higher dose of a different one candesartan.
I was determined to have as little medication as possible. I have had some nasty experiences with Blood Pressure meds. However, I obviously need another one. I have made some dietary changes, I had cut down on a lot of meat, and was having tofu instead. I drink Soya milk, I don't have dairy, except in the shop sandwiches
Hi it's background retinopathy. Very small, so no action to be taken.

Sorry to hear about the changes to your eyes @rustee2011

Did you get the results by letter? Those can be so scary and terribly phrased!

Have they suggested you get checked again in 12 months? That’s pretty reassuring if so.

Hopefully if you can get your blood pressure into line, and try to get your BGs as stable and in-range as you can for as much of the time as you can manage you may even find that the background changes disappear. That has happened to several forum members - including me!
Sorry to hear about the changes to your eyes @rustee2011

Did you get the results by letter? Those can be so scary and terribly phrased!

Have they suggested you get checked again in 12 months? That’s pretty reassuring if so.

Hopefully if you can get your blood pressure into line, and try to get your BGs as stable and in-range as you can for as much of the time as you can manage you may even find that the background changes disappear. That has happened to several forum members - including me!
Yes, the letter. Nothing needs doing now. Just to get my BG in control AND BP
My last BG was 49. But I must confess sweet biscuits chocs and fizzy drinks were a regular... But, that has stopped
More tofu, less meat
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