Yearly check up ?

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Good morning ,
I hope everyone is well?
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in December and spent the first months until feb trying to control with diet ,( low carb ) in February I started taking metformin ,I am currently on 4 tablets a day and take Nortriptyline before bed for neuropathy.

Next week I have my yearly check as it’s my birthday month , what I would like to know is when they do bloods at the check up do they just check the HBA1C results or will they be able to check if still type 2,
I forgot the name of test to check this, I had it before , but not sure if it’s something I have to request.
I’m not sure that I am type 2 to be honest.
I am sweating after every meal, no matter what I eat and it makes me extremely tired when I eat, sometimes I can hardly keep my eyes open and quite often have to sleep after a meal.
This has been happening for the last month or so , any ideas ?

Thanks for any advice

Enjoy your week
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You wouldn’t change from Type 2 to Type 1 @Goodbye to beauty You say you had a test to determine your diabetes type - what test was this? There are actually two tests: the Type 1 antibodies test and the C Peptide test. The results of those, your individual situation, and consultant expertise decides your type.

You say you feel sleepy after meals - what’s your blood sugar when you feel like this?
How were you originally diagnosed as Type 2 in December? Was your HbA1c particularly high and had it come down between December and February after following a low carb diet?

It's likely that the blood test next week will also be another HbA1c test unless your GP has particular concerns that you could in fact be Type 1, in which case I would assume they would order additional tests as Inka has said.

Regarding the sleepiness and sweating after meals - what are you typically eating and are you testing your blood sugar to see if what you're eating is having an impact?
Hello all thanks for reply’s , I do have a monitor and monitor my bloods before meals and two hours after , I follow a low carb diet and any carbs I do have are small
Portions no white bread, pastas etc someone sent me a link on here a while ago for a certain way of eating and I try to follow that.forgot what it was called, sorry.
My numbers when I test are pretty steady at the moment usually between 5 and 8 so not concerned.
Just wondering why sweating and sleeping after eating ,
I didn’t think I would have changed type , I just wondered if it was correct to start with or if the medication is now effecting things if hba1c numbers have lowered ? Can this happen ?
I had antibodies test at the beginning of year .
My original hba1c number was 58 so not too high . I then went down to 54 before medicating .

I will chat with the nurse next week when I have my check up
If your numbers are stable 5-8 then perhaps it’s something other than the diabetes @Goodbye to beauty ? Have you had a recent thyroid check, for example? Are you anaemic? How are your B vitamins and Vitamin D? Hopefully you can find the answer and rectify things.
I agree with Inka, it's probably a seperate health condition, totally possible. I would google the symptoms but be careful with that. Ultimately a doctor or someone qualified needs to make a diagnosis sounds like with this.
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