xpert course week 4

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Caroline Wilson

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well I am four fifths of the way through. This week we did complications, looked at some of the drugs that can be used and talked about sick day rules. It was interesting to find out about complications, and how to treat hypers and hypos. Also nice to talk about sick day rules too.

So far i am the only person who has done all of the weeks as others have popped in and out!
Hi Caroline i was the same i attended every single one, i am just that kind of person, if someone has took the trouble to put me on to the course ill try and get to every session that was my thoughts.
They set the course up and people sign up for it knowing how long it will last, so I think it's a bit off to wander off and do something else unless it is an emergency or something you really can't avoid. For my part I had to work quite hard to get on it as my doctor (here I think lots of rude wrds to describe him) had never heard of it and I am going out of my area, so unless something turns up where I CAN'T get to the last one I am going!
They set the course up and people sign up for it knowing how long it will last, so I think it's a bit off to wander off and do something else unless it is an emergency or something you really can't avoid. For my part I had to work quite hard to get on it as my doctor (here I think lots of rude wrds to describe him) had never heard of it and I am going out of my area, so unless something turns up where I CAN'T get to the last one I am going!

Yeah i forgot about all the trouble you had to get on it Caroline,So far now your 4 weeks in are you pleased you attended?
Yes I am pleased I went. There is lots I knew but had forgotten, and have filled a few more gaps in my knowledge. I'll still have the book to refer back to as well.
Yes I am pleased I went. There is lots I knew but had forgotten, and have filled a few more gaps in my knowledge. I'll still have the book to refer back to as well.

Yeah I am forever looking at the for reference, do you get a certificate next week?
I think so, but no one has said. I hope so because I want to bring it to work to show my boss to prove I completed the course and I want to show it to the doctor to prove the course exists!
I think so, but no one has said. I hope so because I want to bring it to work to show my boss to prove I completed the course and I want to show it to the doctor to prove the course exists!

lol good thinking im sure you will,mine sits on the front door of the fridge .
I have a folder of certificates earned over the years, it will go with those. Whenever I apply for jobs (rarely these days) the certificates come with me.
Oh you have reminded me that I wanted to ask a question.

Picked up a leaflet at the dentist's about 'Expert Patients Programme' which is a free six-week course for people living with long-term health conditions. It is run by volunteer tutors, all of whom are people living with a long-term health condition.

Is this the same thing?
Oh you have reminded me that I wanted to ask a question.

Picked up a leaflet at the dentist's about 'Expert Patients Programme' which is a free six-week course for people living with long-term health conditions. It is run by volunteer tutors, all of whom are people living with a long-term health condition.

Is this the same thing?

The two courses are different things. the expert patients programme is a generic course for any one with any long term medical condition. I am told it is well worth doing, so you may like to consider it. This is run by volunteers wo have already done a course and have been trained to run courses for others. Contact details should be on the leaflet you picked up.

The xpert programme is specifically for people with ype 2 diabetes, although I think the company is going to do one for people with type 1 diabetes at some point in the future. The course I am doing is being run by a practice nurse and a diabetic specialist nurse, and in general I think xpert courses are run by health care professionals. To see what you think about the course and if there is one in your area look at www.xperthealth.org.uk
Thank you for your clear explanation.
You're welcome. If it helps you make an informed choice, it is worth it.
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