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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All, currently wearing my 1st Libre 2 and after a couple of days it seemed to have settled in although it was reading around 2mmol higher than my finger prick test.
Well yesterday I had to have a chest X-ray and since then the readings have gone a bit more random. I think the radiation from the X-ray may have damaged the sensor.
Hi All, currently wearing my 1st Libre 2 and after a couple of days it seemed to have settled in although it was reading around 2mmol higher than my finger prick test.
Well yesterday I had to have a chest X-ray and since then the readings have gone a bit more random. I think the radiation from the X-ray may have damaged the sensor.
Very odd as it has no effect on Dexcom. Even odder as your Libre is on your arm and not your chest which was X-rayed so no contact with the sensor.
That' strange. I have had a number of x-rays with my Libre on and it had no affect.
Although my sensor is placed on the inner underarm almost facing my body and when I had my hands on the hand grips my sensor was extremely close to my chest and could of got a burst of radiation
Don't tell Abbott that! Back of the upper arm is where it's sposed to be, didn't you watch the videos in the Libre Academy before attaching it?
I did watch the video, but missed slightly when I attached it , it was only my second attempt. I have identified a more suitable spot for my next one , its all a learning curve.
I did watch the video, but missed slightly when I attached it , it was only my second attempt. I have identified a more suitable spot for my next one , its all a learning curve.
You have to remember the sensor is a bit of technology which is more than likely to be inaccurate, I use the Dexcom and it it says on instructions where to place it which in my case makes it's use very short lived so it's placed at back of arm and causes no issues.
You just have to remember to tell the Libre/cgm provider where you placed the sensor (where they said) and you will have a replacement no problem.
Wow, today it is running the most accurate ever, whatever was going on seems to have resolved itself.
Ah Martin - many of us find that the sensors take time to 'bed in' as it were, get used to being stuck into/attached to us - so when we get to the '1 day remaining' warning, apply the next one but don't start it. Ignore it until the other one expires and only start it then. They do tend to be a bit more accurate a bit sooner, then.
Glad it settled down for you @Martin62

Hope it runs sweetly for the rest of its lifespan 🙂
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