Wrong diet

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I was diagnosed type2 diabetic in December 2020, have been in the diabetic screening program since then. My diabetic nurse has said I need to change my diet to a more healthy intake, I am finding this very difficult as I love red meat and the fat on it, love bread and butter etc etc. I start the day with natural yoghurt with fruit but this doesn't fill me up and I will then have toast and butter. It doesn't help as my wife and children eat the things I shouldn't and I just eat what's prepared. I don't smoke or drink alcohol, I swim 3 times a week, play bowls twice a week, walk a mile or more 3 times a week. But because of a arthritic knee, can't run or jog without pain. I'm 71, 5' 6" tall and weigh 11.5st. I just want to eat something that gives me a full feeling and keeps the weight off. Can anyone help?
I have meat or fish for breakfast - a chop or steak, often with stirfry or mushrooms, or both.
I don't feel hungry at all even eating just twice a day at 12 hour intervals.
I do have yoghurt and berries, but as dessert after dinner
Bit older than you but the same height and currently 65kg. Started out somewhere around your weight which is about 72kg. Got there by tweaks rather than wholesale changes and it took a while but it has not gone up again. My tweaks were to eliminate snacks and reduce carb intake by adjusting proportions of things in the meals I eat. I eat less than I did but not by lots and I enjoy my meat based meals.

Did wonders for my blood glucose levels!
Welcome to the forum @JPP

Great to hear you are keeping so active.

Sorry to hear you are struggling to find a diet that suits you, keeps you feeling full and satisfied, and keeps your diabetes happy.

Have you seen changes in your blood glucose levels recently which has prompted the suggestion from your nurse? Or has the suggestion come from other results like cholesterol levels?

Diabetes can be a tricky balancing act food-wise. The food group which is likely to have the most impact on blood glucose levels is total carbohydrate content (not just ‘of which sugars’)

Many forum members find that moderating their total carb intake leads to improvements in blood glucose levels. Some people allow themselves a little more in the way of fats and proteins which keep you feeling fuller for longer. Bit it’s important not to go overboard because of the increased risk of heart disease that comes bundled with diabetes.

Hope you can find a way of eating that suits you, your taste buds, your waistline, and your various blood results 🙂

There are some good overall pointers in this free Diabetes UK guide
Meals based on meat, fish, eggs, cheese, dairy, vegetables, salads and fruit like berries and only small portions of higher carb foods will give you plenty of options for tasty filling meals.
Full fat yoghurt and berries with a small portion 20g of a low sugar granola should fill you up, or eggs in any form with mushrooms, tomatoes or bacon or high meat content sausages are all good options.
Bread is something to be careful of but 1 slice instead of two with protein and healthy fats many can tolerate.
I tend to only have 1 carby food at any one meal so a slice of toast with eggs or not both peas and broad beans but peas or beans with broccoli.
This link may help you and your wife find some suitable meals as it is based on real food so easier for family meals. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
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