Wow Mounjaro is available!

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Well-Known Member
Tirzepatide has been approved by NICE and by the medicines regulator in Greater Manchester region!

But still not available on NHS prescription in UK though!

Oh well, you can get black market under-the-counter supplies of Ozempic and Wegovy without any prescription in parts of Mexico known for designer fakes, which may or may not be sugar water or insulin and lead to hospitalisation, but I guess bad advice is sometimes preferable to no advice on diabetes support forum, get lit, whatever, it's your body!
Tirzepatide has been approved by NICE and by the medicines regulator in Greater Manchester region!
But still not available on NHS prescription in UK though!
I started my second month of NHS-prescribed Mounjaro last Sunday.
(It has been available since at least 21st February.)
Previously I was on Victoza until it became unavailable late last year, then on Rybelsus for a month.
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As I said, Mounjaro Tirzepatide is currently not available in the whole of the UK, that's four separate devolved governments and many regions with their own medicines regulators and hundreds of counties, as the NHS is not giant standardised beast with exactly same services and prescription drugs available uniformly everywhere, unfortunately!

Which region are you in and do you meet criteria for being prescribed other diabetes drugs? Despite my frustrated flippant tone about the NHS, I am genuinely interested to find out about availability and side effects in negotiating with my GP as Diabetes Specialist told me there was no news and my current meds nightmare is making me feel suicidal!
Oops! I'm not allowed too discuss my mental health issues or suicidal thoughts and feelings on support forum, but it appears everyone else is, so sorry I can't polish t*rd to make my current state of mind shiny nice and socially acceptable, what next, censoring me for discussing my gender and sexuality and identity and private life not involving being straight married with kids and oh so heteronormative, oh wait, we've had that, turns out that type of censorship is actually discrimination! Oh Happy Days, time for more Prozac! Pop!
Sorry to hear you have been having suicidal thoughts @maryjaneholland

That’s a very serious topic, and not one the forum takes lightly. On a personal note, the partner of a friend took their own life a few weeks ago. Suicide is devastating.

If you are having suicidal thoughts please call The Samaritans. Calls are free, confidential, and you can call them 24 hours a day free of charge on 116 123. They will listen without judgment, and can help you talk through your thoughts and feelings.

GLP agonists have been under huge supply pressure recently, and I suppose the continuing shortages of other options put massive pressure on any GLPs that are available in small quantities.

I hope you are able to get access to the meds you need soon.
Thanks @everydayupsanddowns really appreciated, had many breakthroughs in past week leading up to closing of office hours and time out for long bank holiday weekend, which is mostly dreaded by those of us with "Total Package" of diagnosed debilitating long-term mental health and chronic physical health issues, as it means all services we depend upon just shutdown for four maybe five days at time, and really grateful again to Lisa and Our Friends In The North at Diabetes UK Oop Narth offices in Warrington (far north of Birmingham!) for going above and beyond to call me back before 5pm closing and offer amazing insightful help advice support for North of England regions...

I have felt very pressured and stressed and squeezed for weeks (not fart joke for once!), and today I was threatened with being stabbed by very aggressive street homeless junkie scavenging in bins who shouted "fat tw*t" at me for not handing over money I didn't have on demand and harassing students at entrance of gated student accommodation near my GP Surgery, but ignored this person and carried on waddling very slowly to my Diabetes Nurse appointment, reported the twitching sweating slightly feral wannabe-mugger to the police on my mobile and no surprise, very high blood pressure and usual misgendering deadnaming and insistence on gendering my genitals to describe one possible side effect of new meds from list of around forty - swollen red itching scrotum and penis, so if your penis and scrotum is swollen red and itching you need to go straight to A+E!

I very calmly stated yet again (lost count of how many times I've said this to NHS staff, public sector equality duty what now?!) that my preferred name, title and pronouns were all gender neutral, and I don't use male names titles or pronouns, and I self-identify as non-binary queer person (this includes the genital zone of my body) but never listened to or respected, once I got really annoyed and suggested the NHS staff called me by any name they wanted to such as Bozo The Clown or Toto The Dog and then told I was being rude and offensive to NHS staff ha!

So got my new meds Empagflozin, got to drink lots of water, got to take urine sample to show GP next week, still no news about Mounjaro being available on NHS Prescription in my local area, and with assistance of various advocates and union bods, got temporary reprieve on being constantly threatened with eviction from my home and bullied by jobsworths who are too cowardly to admit to their nasty bullying threats and taking my case to Housing Ombudsman with support, and can slowly reduce my stress levels and maybe learn to enjoy bank holiday weekends...

Here's some deconstructing news about the dark inner workings of our friends in the Pharmaceutical industries controlling the prices and the supplies of semaglutide diabetes drugs hijacked by fashionable celebs throwing cash at private clinics for these drugs to fit in like the latest sample size zero clothes you guys, literally, like the Kardashians famous for, um, being thin and wearing clothes in public yay...

Highly recommend all the useful positive resources on Mind charity website, so many hints, tips, advice, publications, guides and "get help now" for mental health and wellbeing, and I definitely don't take lightly how my mental health issues can be easily exacerbated by too much stress, pressure, duress, housing insecurity and lack of access to healthcare and treatment due to instutionalised LGBTQ-phobias and othering from healthcare staff...

Look after yourselves, I have often sent mental health and wellbeing info to friends and family to show I care and unfortunately none of us can read minds or fully know what's going on in other people's heads but it's good to talk even if it's helplines, chatrooms, zoom meetings or Samaritans, our perspectives and lives can change unexpectedly and it's also preferable sometimes to openly say "I'm under huge amounts of duress and I am struggling with difficult thoughts and feelings" that can sometimes be our greatest strength at the darkest point to reach out and ask for help, even if it's blunt and clumsy like most of my posts here and I am very far from perfect! 😉
@everydayupsanddowns I'm really sorry to hear of your loss as you mentioned your friend's partner, and managing mental health and wellbeing and taking time out is difficult for everyone and we seem to be living in times where standards of civilised society are slipping and there's no real safety nets, even long stay in hospital through no fault of your own can result in you becoming street homeless very easily if you have no support network watching your back, it's very easy to feel lost and destabilised and adrift in our society...

I mentioned my run-in with street homeless aggressive guy with obvious drug and alcohol problems as it made me realise I have not reached rock bottom and I have many things to be grateful and thankful for in my life, sometimes it's hard to see that in the middle of an unwanted "poop party" and feeling constantly dehydrated by meds side effects it prevents me from sleeping in any "normal" way, and having housebound days where you lose all contact with the world and society and nature and the outdoors where going away for weekend hiking trips staying in youth hostels seems like lifetime ago and something I really miss in my current state of broken body and faulty organs...

I can't have Mounjaro yet, but I can experiment with my baking hobbies and trying to figure out how to turn health shop items like ground almonds into something vaguely resembling simnel cake, but without the high calories high carbs high sugars and highly refined processed ingredients, bakers ready, Bake! 😉
@everydayupsanddowns I'm really sorry to hear of your loss as you mentioned your friend's partner, and managing mental health and wellbeing and taking time out is difficult for everyone and we seem to be living in times where standards of civilised society are slipping and there's no real safety nets, even long stay in hospital through no fault of your own can result in you becoming street homeless very easily if you have no support network watching your back, it's very easy to feel lost and destabilised and adrift in our society...

I mentioned my run-in with street homeless aggressive guy with obvious drug and alcohol problems as it made me realise I have not reached rock bottom and I have many things to be grateful and thankful for in my life, sometimes it's hard to see that in the middle of an unwanted "poop party" and feeling constantly dehydrated by meds side effects it prevents me from sleeping in any "normal" way, and having housebound days where you lose all contact with the world and society and nature and the outdoors where going away for weekend hiking trips staying in youth hostels seems like lifetime ago and something I really miss in my current state of broken body and faulty organs...

I can't have Mounjaro yet, but I can experiment with my baking hobbies and trying to figure out how to turn health shop items like ground almonds into something vaguely resembling simnel cake, but without the high calories high carbs high sugars and highly refined processed ingredients, bakers ready, Bake! 😉
Have you tried the recipes on sugarfreelondoner web site. the peanut butter cookies look good.
Yes thanks @Leadinglights there's massive untapped potential in sharing knowledge between the mostly separated diabetes community, and the vegan/gluten-free/organic communities, where low carb low sugar wheat-free dairy-free health shop versions of mainstream or supermarket foods are devised and experimented with to replicate well-risen egg-free wheat-free sponge cakes for example, I will find the right section to post on forum as home cooking and baking using healthier ingredients has always been important to me as lifelong vegetarian, now with 50/50 split vegan diet due to my health issues!
Yes thanks @Leadinglights there's massive untapped potential in sharing knowledge between the mostly separated diabetes community, and the vegan/gluten-free/organic communities, where low carb low sugar wheat-free dairy-free health shop versions of mainstream or supermarket foods are devised and experimented with to replicate well-risen egg-free wheat-free sponge cakes for example, I will find the right section to post on forum as home cooking and baking using healthier ingredients has always been important to me as lifelong vegetarian, now with 50/50 split vegan diet due to my health issues!
The Freshwell program has a vegetarian as well as a budget meal plan and recipes which may give you some options.
Carob Balls! Not term of abuse, I knew my hippy parents banned me and my sisters from having what we now call ultra processed foods like sugary fizzy drinks, candy, sweets, chocolate, confectionery, biscuits, growing up, and instead Carob Balls were treat alongside home baking at Easter and Christmas! Internet proudly states Carob is full of natural antioxidants and fibre which may help to heal non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, bold claim, but wholefoods generally seem to be the best alternative to unhealthy processed foods and supermarket diets! 😉
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