Would love to hear remission stories

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
For those who achieved remission, how long did your remission last, and how long post-diagnosis were you when you did?
Although I was down to 47 at 80 days after diagnosis it was some years before I was officially in remission. Different practices do seem to have different rules on what constitutes remission. The Hba1cs of 47 and 41 were in 2017 and I have had one 'blip' to a higher level, but I was not told about it at the time and it went down again before the next test.
For those who achieved remission, how long did your remission last, and how long post-diagnosis were you when you did?
Diagnosed February 2014 and put on glicazide. Many hypos later, I stopped glicazide in June 2016 and started dosing on cannabis oil in September 2016 and was fortunate to achieve remission in November 2016 and continue to be in remission up to my last HbA1c in May 2021.
Diagnosed February 2014 and put on glicazide. Many hypos later, I stopped glicazide in June 2016 and started dosing on cannabis oil in September 2016 and was fortunate to achieve remission in November 2016 and continue to be in remission up to my last HbA1c in May 2021.
There are some interesting studies appearing on its effects at maintaining hba1c levels now.
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My personal route was a low fat diet after diagnosis, to lose weight, followed by the Newcastle Diet to trim up the final remmants.
Very successful.
My definition is a bit different though, for me remission had to be the ability to process carbs normally, I really didn't want to have to diet control, so seven years back in a normal, healthy, balanced diet, including junk food occasionally.
Mediterranean diet by preference usually though.
My personal route was a low fat diet after diagnosis, to lose weight, followed by the Newcastle Diet to trim up the final remmants.
Very successful.
My definition is a bit different though, for me remission had to be the ability to process carbs normally, I really didn't want to have to diet control, so seven years back in a normal, healthy, balanced diet, including junk food occasionally.
Mediterranean diet by preference usually though.
Sorry that my reply did not clearly state that I do not restrict carbs. Rice has been my staple for all my life and I cannot possibly contemplate doing without. For some unknown reason, I seem to be able to process any amount of carbs without it affecting my HbA1c. I don’t finger prick test, so have no idea how high my blood glucose rises after a meal.
Sorry that my reply did not clearly state that I do not restrict carbs. Rice has been my staple for all my life and I cannot possibly contemplate doing without. For some unknown reason, I seem to be able to process any amount of carbs without it affecting my HbA1c. I don’t finger prick test, so have no idea how high my blood glucose rises after a meal.
I did change my diet when first diagnosed, I probably ate too much of it before, (to be fair, I ate too much, full stop), but yes, it's back in there now as well!
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