Worsening neuropathy.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed wih neuropathy about a month ago. I posted on here and was grateful for the information and support I was given. I am posting again now because in the last few days it has spread to my hands as well.
I have been having all the same symptoms as my feet and today the pain has started in my hands.
When I was first diagnosed the doc told me that it could be months or years before it got worse. As it stands it is only a matter of weeks, guess im just lucky that way.
Can anyone on here tell me how bad I can expect it to get in my hands? I already am feeling a lack of dextertity and the pain is slowly gettig worse. I will try and get into my docs as soon as it reopens after xmas, I think I will jst be referred straight to a specialist.
I am a little concerned about how this will affect my work as well. I work outside and with my hands. At the moment the thought of going back to work on Tuesday fills me with dread.

Its not how hard we hit, its how hard we can get hit and keep moving forward.
Have you recently been getting your blood sugars under better control? It wouldn't seem to be typical to get neuropathy worsening over a few days/weeks. It usually comes on more slowly.

It would be worth seeing your GP next week to see what it is, especially if it's going to be affecting your work. Have any blood tests been done, because some imbalances can cause similar symptoms. Just to rule anything else out.

I hope things improve quickly for you, as neuropathic pain really sucks.
See your doctor as soon as possible for any advice or help he can give.

In the mean time, does the cold make your hands and feet feel worse? I know the cold affects people in different ways. Try to keep as warm as possible. The other thing could be that as you are relaxing you may be noticing the pain more.

I hope you get some help and feel better soon.
My blood sugars have been excellent and not something I have had a problem with since being diagnosed. I have always controlled them well, this is another reason why the neuropathy is so frustrating.
I have relatives with diabetes and they suffer no ill effects even though they do not look after themselves properly. I have in the year since diagnosis lost three stone in weight, have an excellent diet and no longer drink; it is starting to get me down for this reason. I feel as though I have done something wrong to get this bad karma.

Its not how hard we hit, its how we get hit and keep moving forward.
My blood sugars have been excellent and not something I have had a problem with since being diagnosed. I have always controlled them well, this is another reason why the neuropathy is so frustrating.
I have relatives with diabetes and they suffer no ill effects even though they do not look after themselves properly. I have in the year since diagnosis lost three stone in weight, have an excellent diet and no longer drink; it is starting to get me down for this reason. I feel as though I have done something wrong to get this bad karma.

Hi Hemase,

Please don't blame yourself! You haven't done anything wrong. It seems to me that you are doing everything right - weight, diet and drink wise.

From what I have heard elsewhere on this forum many times that people can get neuropathy pains when their blood glucose gets lower. It's the body getting used to lower levels.

The other thing is you could have been running very high BG levels for years before diagnosis.

Don't suffer - hastle your healthcare team.

Another thing, search this forum for posts containing the word neuropathy.

I hope your suffering stops soon.
Thanks for the kind words and advice guys. I have never been one for feeling sorry for myself, the quote I put at the end of each post is one I truly believe in and have always tried to live my life by, guess sometimes it just is harder than others.
The cold does make my feet worse but I have also noted that heat can do it as well. Last night my feet were throbbing warm and it made it hard to sleep.
So far the cold has not affected my hands. The pain comes and goes in waves anyway- indoor or out.

Its not how hard we hit, its how hard we can get hit and keep moving forward.
I agree, don't blame yourself. You have done nothing wrong. Your system has had a lot to get used to. As my system got used to the lower sugar levels, I felt as thoe I was having hypos.

It is worth hasseling your doctor to get all possibilities investegated. I know when it is cold I have to keep my ears warm or I end up with ear ache and have had to do so since I had an ear infection in my late teens. Bcause my hands acahe when it is cold even indoor, I wear a pair of miser mittens which seem to help. I know we are all different, but it is helpful to know what helps others as it is something else to try.

I hope you feel better soon.
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