Worrying weight loss & eye screening


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Relationship to Diabetes
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Had my annual diabetic eye screening this morning actually got me on a bad diabetic day as well as my diabetes was affecting my eyes so will wait now for the outcome. guess the best time for these screenings is if they do catch the symptoms on the day the nurse was puzzled by some stuff going on as well.

Also was weighed the other week and very worrying have lost lots of weight very good for diabetes but do have dysplacia a grey area between non cancer and cancer and last year had a bout of cell changes so went through an op to remove bad growths except some more came back.

I go back to the unit next month to discuss the growths, not a giver up though a toughy inside although some days do feel like hell. :(

Hugs all,

Hi Mikey.

Sorry to hear you are having a tough and worrying time. As regards having eye screening on a "bad diabetic day" I doubt that will make a difference. The issues with retinopathy don't fluctuate so having a bad day on the day you have your screening is unlikely to make a difference but if your levels fluctuate a lot on a regular basis then that makes you more at risk I think that being moderately higher than ideal most of the time, so stability may be better to aim.

Not sure I can comment on weight loss particularly but can understand your concern. Are you in the normal BMI range or below it? What do you typically eat?

Your profile is marked as "Other" on your diabetes type. Is this because it is unknown or you prefer not to say? Just wondering if you might be Type 3c and perhaps needing Creon in order to digest food properly and your body is not getting the nutrition from the food you are eating because you are low on digestive enzymes?
Your profile is marked as "Other" on your diabetes type. Is this because it is unknown or you prefer not to say?
Diabetes T1 is in Mikeys username though so I always assumed Mikey is T1.
Worth clarifying though!
Sorry to hear about the weight loss @mikeydt1

Must be very worrying for you :( Hopefully you’ll be able to get some peace of mind from the unit when you see them next month. Do you have a nurse you can call in the meantime?

Were you having blurry vision at your screening? Or were your eyes playing up in another way?

Did the nurse say what was puzzling her?
just not really sure what was going on during the screening and the nurse wasn't too sure just have to wait for the results. am now diagnosed with epilepsy so could be the med which was playing up who knows. it seemed to go wrong when that plastic thing was put over my eyes and it was affecting not one but both eyes.

The weight loss was a shock to me am going to the clinic in a few weeks so will let them know. doc wants a screening done to check for bowel cancer just not sure if she is going the correct way though with this as i all ready have confirmed growths and confirmed dysplacia. have bloods this Monday.
Let us know how you get on with the follow up @mikeydt1
Good luck with the retinal screening result and the bowel screening. I can understand you being worried. Sending (((HUGS)))
promise will provide an update when the results come in. many thnks for the kind thoughts on here.
Promised an update - for some reason i haven't had my eye screening results back yet but on the weight loss front am going for a full body CT scan this coming Tuesday sadly i have known this for a while but most of my internal organs apart from Kidneys are wrecked so now under hospital care and they are wanting to find out why my organs are degenerating not good but sadly does happen.

All i can relate to is last Feb 23 when i had a tongue biopsie and it came back with the dreaded cell changes they did operate to remove the tongue growth but 2 more small ones came back i am due to attend clinic mid July but cell changes have a unknown on the body.

The main thing i am still here on planet Earth and just had my birthday last Wednesday creeping near 60 wow 🙂

Treated myself to a tool box regretted leaving my last one behind when moving south years ago now back up North Lancaster


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Really pleased that you are getting a scan and so promptly too. Will be keeping my fingers crossed that it is something relatively straight forward and easy to fix and that you get many years of use out of that new tool box!!
Not sure if you saw it but there was a thread on the forum wishing you a Happy Birthday. Hope you had a lovely day.
i saw the kind birthday messages and responded be it a bit late appreciate so much. we had that bad heat wave in Lancashire so shut my computer down for a while as the temps were hitting 28c in my front room it has a large built in patio so really knocks up the temps good for my tropical plants 🙂 on a fast track with the hospital weight going down and doctor confirmed lost some more. did know about various organ damage but the hospital docs are wanting a bigger picture.

promise an update when possible and again many thnks for all the kind birthday messages another year younger, i wish 🙂
just not really sure what was going on during the screening and the nurse wasn't too sure just have to wait for the results. am now diagnosed with epilepsy so could be the med which was playing up who knows. it seemed to go wrong when that plastic thing was put over my eyes and it was affecting not one but both eyes.

The weight loss was a shock to me am going to the clinic in a few weeks so will let them know. doc wants a screening done to check for bowel cancer just not sure if she is going the correct way though with this as i all ready have confirmed growths and confirmed dysplacia. have bloods this Monday.
You should receive a faecal blood test (just a tiny bit of poo required) though the post as part of your bowel screening.

I went through that loop a few months ago after a nasty tummy bug that just wouldn't stop giving. Thankfully, I was cleared.
talking of screening did get one through the post and last Thursday big issues runs with blood but hadn't opened the test kit so then did the test and sent it off so awaiting the screening results.

still suffering with wait loss and new CT scan is now showing Stenosis of my bowel so not sure at this stage what will happen. i am diagnosed with Diverticulosis - with infections of the bowel from time to time the latter is not good.

Good news eyes came back okay.

Also further update 23rd July appt with view of starting new diabetes injections hope and please hope for no issues this time.
Update national screening pos FIT test but unlike others this time in the letter it has picked up on a few things and in the letter they are looking at some point want a colonscopy do have bowel disease which is not a good one to have and over time have had both black and red in stools but mainly black stuff other times normal colour. Got my first appt next Tuesday local hospital but then away in the afternoon of the 16th even i need a break.

Diabetes 23rd July discuss with view to starting new diabetic injections no more mess up please 🙂

Will provide more updates when poss