Worrying About Stuff Is A Sign Of Intelligence

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The tendency to worry about stuff could be a sign of a certain kind of intelligence, according to a paper in an upcoming edition of the journal Personality and Individual Differences (hat tip to Christian Jarrett at the British Psychology Society's Research Digest for spotting it first). A team led by Alexander Penney of Ontario's Lakehead University gave 126 undergrads a litany of surveys and questionnaires designed to measure both their intelligence and how much they tended to stress about events in their lives. (For instance, they were asked how strongly they agreed with statements like, "I am always worried about something.") After analyzing the results, Penney and his team found a correlation between worrying and verbal intelligence.

I must be incredibly intelligent then because apparently I worry about, well, everything 🙄
It's not unusual for me to stop and worry about something of no consequence that I did or said 40 years ago or more! 😱
Me too, then I switch to worrying about what will happen when I'm 70...🙄
I must be a genius! 🙄
I worry if I havent got something to worry about , I must be a genius as well !!
Well obviously then i am part on Mensa and super intelligent as i worrying about anything and everything lol
You're all very silly!:D
Another genius here!
"Clever Bods Co Ltd" :D. There was a statement from Bobby Thompson comedian NE. Don't worry "Let them worry who you owe" :D:D
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