Worried & need some advise!

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morning All,

I wonder if any of you can give me some advise? I am Type 1 diagnosed almost 5yrs ago at the age of 41, I have two children so am very aware of the fact that they may inherit Diabetes from me. Over the past month my Son who is almost 15 has complained of wobbley legs & said he felf 'Funny', I checked his BS on my monitor & both times it was around 2.7 😱 He had eaten like a horse beforehand & had played a game of football!
Last night I tested his blood before bed & it was 8.9, I tested him when he woke at 7am this morning & he was 3.3.....:confused: He hasn't lost any weight & I don't want to go running to the Dr's in case they think I am stupid! He is starting to take his exams & I don't wan't to worry him! Are these normal readings for someone non-diabetic?

Many thanks for your time
Debs x
Hi Debs,
I'm no expert but i would have said that 2.7 was a little lower than would be expected but I believe that 3.3 falls within the normal range of a non-diabetic.
You said that he had 'eaten like a horse beforehand & had played a game of football'. Did he play the football after eating? If so, how soon after?
The reason I ask is that I did read once that it was possible for non-diabetics to go hypo for a short period if they have eaten a large amount of carbs just prior to intense exercise. Something to do with the body producing insulin immediately and then the exercise also lowering the BG.
Not too sure about the 8.9 - that seems too high.
If I were you, I'd check his BG levels over the next couple of days and if you still get the same results I would get him to the docs just to be on the safe side.
It is possible for a non diabetic to hypo after hard physical activity or if they haven't eaten for ages.

Keep an eye on his levels as it will re-assure you. I'm sure everything is OK and your son is a normal active boy.

Diabetes can hereditary, but not everyone develops it. My father has it, I have it but not my brother. My uncle has it, but not my mum or her sister. You are aware of it, so can keep an eye on things, and we are here to help when we can.
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