worried about my Tia

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As you know my Tia has IBS now and because of the worry and pain that it is causing her I'm worried she may develope diabetes. When I had Tia, a doctor told me she is at no greater risk of deveoping diabetes than a child of a non diabetic parent. Diabetes runs in my family, I developed type 1 months after my marraige broke up, before that I had suspected Colitis.
I know diabetes can strike at any time and not just through stress, worry or a trauma. I am TRYING to be positve and keep my fingers crossed, but it's a niggling worry at the back of my mind. Sheena :(
Hi hun firstly can a mod Put this on general messageboard so more can see it think it needs to be there.
Of course your worried and stressed its your little baby,is they tests she can have? im sorry i dont know to much about this but all i can say is best to get things checked over for your peace of mind if nothing else, please keep us updated

Hi hun firstly can a mod Put this on general messageboard so more can see it think it needs to be there.
Of course your worried and stressed its your little baby,is they tests she can have? im sorry i dont know to much about this but all i can say is best to get things checked over for your peace of mind if nothing else, please keep us updated


Moved to General Messageboard, as requested.

I am so worried that my baby will have diabetes too, I dont want anything i do now while they are still growing to effect them in life.

If it does happen and she does get it then at least you know the signs and how to deal with it, i know its not much consalation. I know when my baby is here my views on things like this will change.

Have you spoken to your GP about it?

I was told baby was 10% more likely to get diabetes because i have it, i wish they would make up there minds about the facts.

Im not sure weather your GP would do this or if you would want to put little Tia through this, but could you ask your GP for a general blood test to test her BS? If they are high they would send her for a Glucose tolerance test, or you could just ask for the tolanrance test in the first place 🙂 If it comes back okay you know she is save for to moment, but all i can suggest is to watch out for the signs 🙂

I was told baby was 10% more likely to get diabetes because i have it, i wish they would make up there minds about the facts.


I have been reading and "diabetes uk" Says on thier website, if a parent is type 1 - there is no percentage change on babies more likely to get diabetes. In other words they have the same percentage as children born to parents without diabetes. HOWEVER if your type 2 diabetes, your children have a higher risk of getting T2 diabetes.

I was told it's a 2% risk if the mum has T1 diabetes, slightly more if the father has T1, a fair bit more if either parent had T2 - I will try & dig out my old DAFNE notes though to confirm that! The comfort is that relatively it sounds 'low' risk.

I must admit I do worry about my two though - mind you, what's really annoying me these days is any time I take either of them to the docs, he automatically assumes that my concern is that they might be diabetic! 🙄 Actually, no, I worry about a whole varied & unlikely range of things! 🙄😉 Like Phoebe said, at least we would recognise the signs a lot earlier than most (hopefully!)...

Lets keep our fingers crossed that the Big D stops with us & leaves our kids alone! 🙂
As you know my Tia has IBS now and because of the worry and pain that it is causing her I'm worried she may develope diabetes. When I had Tia, a doctor told me she is at no greater risk of deveoping diabetes than a child of a non diabetic parent. Diabetes runs in my family, I developed type 1 months after my marraige broke up, before that I had suspected Colitis.
I know diabetes can strike at any time and not just through stress, worry or a trauma. I am TRYING to be positve and keep my fingers crossed, but it's a niggling worry at the back of my mind. Sheena :(

Thanks guys for all your support, Tia has had her finger pricked a few times in the past, by me, and at the hospital. She didn't have diabetes, but she did have a low count in her Thyroid. It's just that with her having quite a few problems with the IBS and her breath,( I call it strong, not bad) other children may be mean to her and
then that causes more stress and worry! Hopefully we will able to manage the IBS. Thanks again Sheenax
ps We got her precription for fybogel Mebeverine- and it says not recommended for children under 12! so pharmicist is phoning consultant at hospital😡
Sheena, did you get a reply? I don't think we dispensed much fybogel at Great Ormond Street, and we tended to give Movicol paediatric, which is what we do at Northampton General. My handy pack of fybogel has a dose for kids between the ages of 6 and 12, but maybe that's because mine's got no merbeverine in it.
Darn it,my BNF-C is at work....but still, most miedicines say not to give to children under 12, especially things that can be bought over the counter like fybogel. It's often because it's hard to get consent or sponsership to do clinical trials on children, and over the counter medcines arn't worth the expense to do so. If your doctor is happy, follow his instructions.
IBS is horrible, i think my brother may be a sufferer, and my grandma (the non-diabetic one), i don't think that IBS is linked to diabetes, it's even less likely in type1s i'd have thought, but i could be wrong. Did i read something about that? I can't remember, every week there seems to be a new diabetes scare. I hope Tia feels better soon, prescribing medication for children is an awefully complicated business, but hopefully your doctor can sort her out..

Sheena, did you get a reply? I don't think we dispensed much fybogel at Great Ormond Street, and we tended to give Movicol paediatric, which is what we do at Northampton General. My handy pack of fybogel has a dose for kids between the ages of 6 and 12, but maybe that's because mine's got no merbeverine in it.
Darn it,my BNF-C is at work....but still, most miedicines say not to give to children under 12, especially things that can be bought over the counter like fybogel. It's often because it's hard to get consent or sponsership to do clinical trials on children, and over the counter medcines arn't worth the expense to do so. If your doctor is happy, follow his instructions.
IBS is horrible, i think my brother may be a sufferer, and my grandma (the non-diabetic one), i don't think that IBS is linked to diabetes, it's even less likely in type1s i'd have thought, but i could be wrong. Did i read something about that? I can't remember, every week there seems to be a new diabetes scare. I hope Tia feels better soon, prescribing medication for children is an awefully complicated business, but hopefully your doctor can sort her out..


Hi Rachel, Tia has had the movicol, but it didn't help. The doc thinks the fybogel will help because the merbeverine in it will help ease the pain of stomach cramps. The pharmacist talked to the doctor at hospital and he said she could take it because she is a good weight and growing normally. Can you recommend anything for the strong breath? She seems to be getting it more. Many thanks sheena
I guess anything with mint in, maybe sugar free mints, or you could try diluted peppermint water (get if from your chemist and if Tia is very small, i guess give small ammounts or dilute it a lot ) i'm guessing she's burping a lot from the gas coming back from her sore tummy. You might be able to ask about simethicone, which can relieve trapped wind and colic in babies, Infacol is the trade name.
You could also try mouthwashes for kids, or something like that, it's not going to treat the cause of the problem but hopefully the Mebeverine will do that. IBS does seem to be something that comes and goes, my brother takes peppermint oil capsules, and he does get very windy when he's having a rough time.

I guess anything with mint in, maybe sugar free mints, or you could try diluted peppermint water (get if from your chemist and if Tia is very small, i guess give small ammounts or dilute it a lot ) i'm guessing she's burping a lot from the gas coming back from her sore tummy. You might be able to ask about simethicone, which can relieve trapped wind and colic in babies, Infacol is the trade name.
You could also try mouthwashes for kids, or something like that, it's not going to treat the cause of the problem but hopefully the Mebeverine will do that. IBS does seem to be something that comes and goes, my brother takes peppermint oil capsules, and he does get very windy when he's having a rough time.


Thanks Rachel- we have tried mints and she uses mouthwash, but nothing seems to help much- but I will try and get the diluted peppermint water(I could also try the health food shops). She is 9 by the way, the smell obviously comes up from her stomach and she asked me tonight if her breath smelled, I did say it smelt strong, but not to worry about it, as hopefully, we will get it sorted out. Sheena
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