Worried about my sister

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I have a 41yr old sister who has type 1 diabetes, she was diagnosed nearly two years ago. She is still very angry about it and scared too - she developed keto acidosis last year and we nearly lost her - however she is not taking her insulin before meals and becomes very aggressive when you ask her about this. Her sugar levels are very erratic - not suprising as the firdge is full of things she shouldn't be eating.
I'm becoming incresingly worried about her and am not sure what to do - any ideas?
Hi Holly and welcome you have come to the right place hun to get advice, I guess your sister is in denial and cant face up to the fact she is diabetic, is they any chance she would herself come on here ? I cant really advise alot more but all i can say is with a sister as loving as you sound she has a loving family around her .x What are her care team like does she see them often and have a good relationship?
Hi Holly and welcome you have come to the right place hun to get advice, I guess your sister is in denial and cant face up to the fact she is diabetic, is they any chance she would herself come on here ? I cant really advise alot more but all i can say is with a sister as loving as you sound she has a loving family around her .x What are her care team like does she see them often and have a good relationship?
Hi Steff - thanks for the prompt response. Not sure if she'd be comfortable joining this webpage - she doesn't get much free time (divorcee with three loveable but very challenging kiddies) Again not sure about her 'care team' either - would that include her diabetic nurse and gp? If so am not convinced she's being very honest with them about her insulin routine, they are aware she's has problems accepting the condition though.
Hi Steff - thanks for the prompt response. Not sure if she'd be comfortable joining this webpage - she doesn't get much free time (divorcee with three loveable but very challenging kiddies) Again not sure about her 'care team' either - would that include her diabetic nurse and gp? If so am not convinced she's being very honest with them about her insulin routine, they are aware she's has problems accepting the condition though.

Well yes I guess if she is not being totally truthful they are going to be blissfully unaware she is not doing things proper, If she cant maybe join here maybe make her aware of this site and she can come in and have a read, if and when she is able, she does not have to join and can come in as a guest if that maybe is better for her.
Sadly, I don't think there's a lot you can do except be there for her and the kids. Encourage her to look in here though, you never know, she might find it helps. We're here for you too. I wish there was something we could suggest.
I have a 41yr old sister who has type 1 diabetes, she was diagnosed nearly two years ago. She is still very angry about it and scared too - she developed keto acidosis last year and we nearly lost her - however she is not taking her insulin before meals and becomes very aggressive when you ask her about this. Her sugar levels are very erratic - not suprising as the firdge is full of things she shouldn't be eating.
I'm becoming incresingly worried about her and am not sure what to do - any ideas?

Hey Holly,
I was diagnosed at the age of 9, so 6 years ago, and one of the first things my nurse said to me, was,
'there is NOTHING you can't EAT, or can't DO. You just need to watch how much, and adjust your insulin accordingly.'
I wonder if anybody has told your sister this? Just I noticed what you said about her 'fridge being full of things she shouldn't be eating.'
This in itself could be making her angry, and causing her to 'rebel', as I'm sure you would feel the same at the age of 41, being told what you can and can't eat. I'm not blaming you, you obviously care a lot, I just think some of the medical advice given out to newly diagnosed patients, is complete overload. And of course, being given so much to think about in one go, is bound to cause worry, anger, and confusion.
There is probably not a lot you can do until your sister asks for help, except be there for her and give her love and support.

She will feel dreadful after the divorce. Everyone I know who had a divorce has had a knock to their confidence too.

When your sister admits there is problem and wants help, offer to go to appointments with her if she needs moral support, be a shoulder for her to cry on and point her in the direction of this forum.

Having asked for help, she will have done the hardest thing of all, and you are being very caring and supportive. I hope things get sorted out and your sister is able to turn things around for herself.

It must be so hard for you after seeing your sister so ill last year, and worrying that it might happen again, but there is only so much you can do.

It sounds like she has had a tough few years, I don't know who long ago it was that she got divorced but it may be that she is finding it hard to cope with that, caring for her children and the diabetes. I suspect she finds strength if that is the right word to appear calm and collected when with the Dr/nurse and then crumbles afterwards.

You just need to let her you know that if things get too much you are there to talk to.

I hope you are taking care of yourself as this must be quite draining on you too.
Hi Holly

This must be soooo hard for you, a bit like us mums and seeing our kids with the condition. We can help them though.

Have you thought about writing a letter to your sister being completely honest and open about how you feel, bit like what you have said on here. A very emotional, open, kind, despairing letter. You can say you joined here so you can learn more about diabetes so you can help her etc etc You get the gist.

Just an idea but I have no others.

She may be angry you have written, well ok, but that has got to be worth the small chance that it might be the huge kick she needs to get on the right road and with such a supportive sister like you behind her, she can't fail.

Good luck
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