Worried about my Dad

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
At 85 he does remarkably well, but had a bad fall in the house last week. He bent down to open the oven, and the next thing he knew he was on the floor with the oven door on top of him.

He would not go to the doctor week last. I talked him into going today. The Gp ran a battery of blood tests, blood pressure 145/80, then as a last thought took a finger blood sugar test 21.8

He is booked in on Friday for a fasting blood sugar test

I can't believe it - should I be worried for him?
Oh no Hazel so sorry to hear of your dads accident how scary for all concerned poor guy, I am pleased you managed to talk him around older people can be quite set in there ways I guess and very stubborn, try and keep as calm as you can and take it from friday when he gets the test hun, are you planning on going long for the test with your father? that is a very high reading as well I guess at the moment all you can do is wait it is very hard when it is your relative as you want things sorted soon , i do hope it pans out well hazel keep us posted

p.s can a mod move this to general messageboard it well get more attention there.
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Hi Hazel,
Sorry to hear about your dad. I think its a good thing that they have found high sugars as it may explain his fall and can get him onto meds as soon as possible. It would have been worse if he hadnt been tested. I am sure he will be fine once he has seen the doctor. Try not to worry about him - he is getting the best medical care and he has you to support him.🙂Bev xxx
There you go, it's shifted. I'm sure once they get him settled on the meds your dad will start to feel much better.
I hope your dad is better and the tests all went well.

My dad is a similar age, he was diagnosed about 7 or 8 years ago and only wnet for tests to shut my mum up, she nags for England!

The accident sounds horrible, I hope there were no serious injuries.

Keep us posted and let us know how your dad gets on.
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