Worried about husband

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The other night my hubby who is not diabetic commented that he had been thirsty for a couple of days. The alarm bells rang! Checked his sugar an hour and half after eating, it was 6.9 which I thought was a bit on the high side (his meal hadn't been full of cakes and stuff - just a sandwich) so an hour later I checked it again and it was 6.7. Does anyone know if this is rather high for a supposed non-diabetic? I know it's supposed to be between 4-7 but the thirst as well just made me wonder. Thanks Karen
I'm not sure what the actual guidelines are for diagnosing diabetes, but my understanding is that it's normal for blood glucose levels in non-diabetics to rise after a meal, and I personally wouldn't be worried by those numbers. I think if his fasting number was higher, then that would be more of a concern. However, if you're concerned, and he's showing any other symptoms (is he peeing a lot, tired?), then it wouldn't be a bad idea to get checked out at the doctors. 🙂
I think I will check it again first thing one morning and see what the result is. I suppose it's just always at the forefront of my mind and I've been telling him for ages that he is putting himself at higher risk by letting his weight creep up. He's also under a lot of stress at the mo as being made redundant next month. Will keep an eye on him and send him to docs if there are any more signs. I know someone who was recently diagnosed at 7 but I think that was a fasting blood sugar. Lets hope I'm worrying for nothing.
A non-diabetic blood range can go as low as 3.5 or as high as 10 with no ill effects. Had he been eating something particularly salty recently? Of course, if you're worried, the best thing to do would be to get it checked out. Better safe than sorry 🙂
I wouldn't think it is anything to get worried about. Does he have any other symptoms or is it just the thirst?
The other night my hubby who is not diabetic commented that he had been thirsty for a couple of days. The alarm bells rang! Checked his sugar an hour and half after eating, it was 6.9 which I thought was a bit on the high side (his meal hadn't been full of cakes and stuff - just a sandwich) so an hour later I checked it again and it was 6.7. Does anyone know if this is rather high for a supposed non-diabetic? I know it's supposed to be between 4-7 but the thirst as well just made me wonder. Thanks Karen

Some of cuurent dx criterion for T2 diabetes are ...
Any random test over 11.1
2 random fasting tests over 7
11.1 at the 2 hour stage of a OGTT

6.7 does seem high for a non-diabetic 2 hours after a meal. Of course its a good number for a t2 ! bgs will be raised in the first 30 mins after a meal in non-dmers but most of the time they scarcely flicker from 4s and 5s.

There are other conditions to consider, such as IGT as well.
Thanks all, he's probably fine, just me being paranoid!! I see diabetes in everyone! He'd had a bacon sandwich so that would answer the salt question, but if the criterion is a random test over 11.1 then he is well within the limits. Will just keep an eye on him for now, and try to encourage a bit healthier diet, he does like his food!! And all the wrong things! Don't we all?!
The other possibility is he has a cold or some other bug working on him. A few people find they are extra thirsty if they are trying to get rid of an infection of any kind. Is there a lot of salt in hubbys diet? Salt can make you thirsty too.

Although it is probably nothing to worry about, it is always right to keep an eye on things, and if you want medical advice it is good to speak to NHS Direct or your doctor, or even the pharmacist.

I hope hubby is OK.
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