
Well-Known Member
1st December is World AIDS Day, and here's some useful links as HIV/AIDS does not discriminate (like diabetes) and the good news is that self-testing kits, safer sex contraception, sexual health screening, preventative prescription drugs like PrEP+PEP and anti-retroviral HIV drugs which can put the virus into remission in roughly six months to undetectable levels, are all available for free on the NHS...

World AIDS Day Campaign from the World Health Organization

UNAIDS Let Communities Lead Campaign & Awareness Raising for World AIDS Day

George House Trust HIV/AIDS Charity based in Manchester covering Northern England

Terrence Higgins Trust HIV/AIDS Charity based in London covering Southern England

Brook Clinics - Your Free & Confidential Sexual Health & Wellbeing Experts for Young Adults (England Only, some Brook Clinics are for Under 20's, or Under 25's, or All Ages, but contact for signposting)

NHS Sexual Health Services Directory - Sexual health clinics, contraception, free condoms, abortion, STI testing and treatment, HIV/AIDS, rape and sexual assault support services