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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey everyone!
just like to ask has anyone been in work, have felt they have been discrimated in work coz of their diabetes.

i've been told if my diabetes (type 1) isnt controlled i will have no job, and bullying me in2 signing consent of a medical report, after just having one hypo.

can anyone help
Hi Allison, welcome to the forum 🙂 I don't know what job you do, but they simply cannot say that - you are protected by the Disability at Work act, and to even say such a thing is blatant discrimination! You may not consider yourself disabled as such, but your employer HAS to make reasonable allowance for your diabetes. I'll leave it to those more experienced than me to give you the benefit of their experience. Don't let yourself be bullied!

they are NOT allowed to do that to you AT ALL. I was fired once because of being diabetic, and lets just say I made their lives hell. You are covered by the DDA and your place of work HAS to make allowances for it - they cannot fire you on the basis of having "poor control". Go to your HR team, and threaten them with the DDA. I bet you anything that they know you are covered by it and know they have to make allowances. if they don't they will be in a hell of a lot of trouble.
by law no they have no right to say that to you .. if you are up to it seek advice from CAB /union (if you have one) etc ..good luck and welcome also to the forum x🙂
Be careful not to create conflict. I myself have to do this but for very good reasons. I use heavy lifting equipment such as overhead crane and forklift truck to carry out my role, and as such my employers insurance insist on certain safegards such as testing before using equipment.
Because I have to set big machines and sometimes get into or on top of them they are wise to ask for medical record access not only to protect me but others.

I don't know your situation, but while I believe they can't threaten you with your job, they can probably come up with good reasons for showing control.
Its dreadful to hear of things like this still happening when we are supposed to be protected by the law in the workplace.

Are you working for a large organisation or a small company? Can I ask what kind of work you are in?

Its time to get tough Alison, Im afraid you have a battle to fight, and win....
I second the messages posted by YPauly and Sugarbum, and as others have also said you are covered under the DDA.

I was mucked about regarding a retinopathy appointment as i was told i wasn't covered to take this appointment in works time and had to take as leave and so i did. After much research and digging one year later (as i didn't believe them to be correct) I found i was covered and able to attend in 'works time'.

The law is a funny thing (i know as i work in it) but the DDA doesn't have a list of conditions but moreover guidelines and so can be adapted to different illnesses as some are visual and others not so (like diabetes). The only 'job' thats excluded if you have diabetes is the armed forces for which i can understand.

There are many links on-line to help assist you in this complex area but fundamentally if you have a desk job i really cannot see they are allowed to say this and make you sign your life away unless, like YPauly, you work in an envirnoment such as that.

Oh yes...welcome to the forum 🙂

Good luck with this and keep us posted...

Bernie xx 🙂
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