Work from home guidance

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Rob Oldfield

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

A bit confused here re the current status of advice to work from home for those of us with diabetes. Standard advice has now changed but reading this it says those in scope should continue to "work from home if you can". Issue is who is in scope? According to the title that's "people whose immune system means they are at higher risk" which, I think, would include us, but then when the document lists conditions further down then diabetes isn't included. Any ideas how this is generally being interpreted?

I think all along it’s been the case that diabetes alone isn’t a problem unless it’s poorly controlled. If you have it in conjunction with other problems then it might be included. My daughter’s doctors have said all along that because her diabetes is well controlled she’s at no greater risk than anyone else. My mum was shielding but mainly because of her asthma, not diabetes.
I think the immune system thing was more for people post-transplant, or people with certain types of blood cancers, and other immuno compromised people (who dont get so much benefit fron the vaccines, and for whom an infection is likely to be far more difficult.
From reading it, it says:
"Most people in this group will be under the care of a hospital specialist.
People in this group, and who should follow this guidance on keeping yourself safe, have been identified in one of 2 ways:
1. Eligibility for a third primary dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
2. Eligibility for new treatments for COVID-19."

and goes on to say that the people eligible for the new treatments:
"includes some people who have:
certain autoimmune or inflammatory conditions (such as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease)"

Would T1s be covered by this? I think (but please correct me, as I'm an ignorant T2), but isn't T1 autoimmune?
Edit: it doesn't mention T1 specifically - is it covered by "certain autoimmune" conditions?

I think I'm more confused after reading the guidance than I was before I read it. The government's messaging leaves something to be desired.
Would T1s be covered by this? I think (but please correct me, as I'm an ignorant T2), but isn't T1 autoimmune?
It is, but the criterion is some particular set of autoimmune or inflammatory conditions. I presume T1 isn't one of the ones they want to include. (If it were, they could easily say so.)

(I've no idea why they don't just use the CEV category they had before, but that's government for you I guess. Or say that this new list is a subset of people who're considered CEV, thus making it clear that if you weren't in that list you're not in this new one.)
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