Wondering first foot/morning people

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have found that I seem to be a ‘first footer’, my BG spiking after have been up and about for a little while. I have never been a ‘morning person‘, I will sleep late and it takes me a while to get going. My husband on the other hand leaps from bed ridiculously early and ready to go. Just made me wonder if this is the difference between people who experience the ’dawn phenomenon’ as opposed to the ‘first foot phenomenon’
I get both Dawn Phenomenon and Foot on the Floor @OhJoy I think it’s more to do with the individual’s body than whether they’re an owl or a lark.
I am a slow starter in the mornings too @OhJoy

When I get the opportunity for a lie-in my BG trundles along happily until I get up - then I see a bump in my BGs.

So I fit your pattern 🙂
Get both, basil dips at 4 then rises to 7-8, minute I stand off she goes. No idea how high, never been that brave. I'm injecting 10 units for it. 1 unit knocks me down 5 any other time, so quick maths, don't want to find out. Add in 1 correction, 3 for breakfast, 14 total for 30 grams, then hour and half wait till I can eat my toast at 5. Tried injecting in bed, to trick it, but decided that's probably suicide. Interested someone said eating soon as stops liver dumping, shall try that tomorrow with bag of jelly babies ready. Consultant just shrugged his shoulders... we're on our own.
I am a slow starter in the mornings too @OhJoy

When I get the opportunity for a lie-in my BG trundles along happily until I get up - then I see a bump in my BGs.

So I fit your pattern 🙂
Strange ain't it, like it can sence intent, wake, roll over weekend, blips then stops. Tried jabbing in bed but it knows your intention to get up and won't be fooled. How can you go for a pee at 6am and it knows your not getting up?
I'm not sure I get either. Certainly don't see any rise while I'm asleep and it sometimes goes up into the low sixes when I'm getting ready for work. By that point I've usually been up a few hours.
Everyone seems to suggest they always see the same thing.
That is definitely not the case for me. I think it is to do with exercise. If I have a workout one day I rarely experience DP or FotF. But sometimes I do.
Everyone seems to suggest they always see the same thing.
That is definitely not the case for me. I think it is to do with exercise. If I have a workout one day I rarely experience DP or FotF. But sometimes I do.
That's what I'm scared of, with 14 units in me, it doesn't happen one day.
I get neither and have always been full of energy on waking (which is usually very early...4am) and sleep easily. Bed at 11pm or later.
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