Women spend 10 days every year 'grumpy', survey finds

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The average woman spends the equivalent of 10 days every year feeling grumpy, a study has claimed.

Researchers found feeling fat, worrying about money, fearing their partners were 'not listening' and bad weather were among the most common triggers.

The study found in a typical week, the average female believes they spend nearly five hours "in a strop".

But the men surveyed contradicted that evidence, to claim the women in their lives in fact appeared to feel grumpy "closer to eight hours a week".

It also emerged around one in two of the women polled confessed they were moody "a lot", and around four in ten claimed their moods had worsened as they aged.


C'mon you miserable lot! 😉
Grrrr...I think most of my grumpiness is directly related to the trail of mess my husband leaves behind him. 🙄 Did they survey men too? Him indoors has bouts of grumpiness all the way thru the football season!😛
Only 10? 😉
Erm... More like that many a month sometimes 😱

Well maybe not quite, but I'm sure I'm getting worse as I get older :(
Grumpy? Us? I'm never grumpy, and woe betide anyone who says otherwise 😡
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