Woman with diabetes who SKIPPED injections to lose 28 kilos in six months,

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
  • Ms Skye Simpson, 30, from Melbourne has type 1 diabetes
  • She became 'diabulimic' and skipped injections so she could lose weight
  • At her lowest, she weighed just 47kgs, and had to have her teeth removed
  • Ms Simpson also has bald patches on her head and blurred vision
  • During the injection-skipping period, she lost 28kgs in just six months

How far would you go for the perfect body?

Possibly not as far as Skye Simpson, 30.

The beauty therapist from Melbourne, who has type 1 diabetes, deliberately skipped her insulin injections, which in turn devastated her body so badly she lost all of her teeth.

Ms Simpson still lives with the side effects of this condition, called diabulimia, which prompted her to lose 28 kilograms in just six months.

These side effects include bald patches, blurred vision and a loss of teeth.


Terrible :( Anyone in the UK who has concerns about diabulimia can contact DWED (Diabetics With Eating Disorders) at: http://www.dwed.org.uk/
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