Woman Killed herself over Bedroom Tax

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I read this earlier, awful. The politicians who come up with these ideas have absolutely no comprehension of how it may affect people. They save a few pounds and ruin the lives of vulnerable individuals to offset the billions that go uncollected from those with good accountants :(
I could not agree more I would like to say more but will not
So sad to see this, BUT such a shame a poor lorry lorry driver has been embroiled in this he will never be the same again
So sad to see this, BUT such a shame a poor lorry lorry driver has been embroiled in this he will never be the same again

I agree must have been a heck of a shock for the driver, But it is a sad state when it come down this.
I read this earlier, awful. The politicians who come up with these ideas have absolutely no comprehension of how it may affect people. They save a few pounds and ruin the lives of vulnerable individuals to offset the billions that go uncollected from those with good accountants :(

Straight to point and very well put. The disgusting thing is people like this lady have no place to go, 1 bedroom social housing is like rocking horse poo, a cunning ploy by the government to strip claimants benefits😡
So sad to see this, BUT such a shame a poor lorry lorry driver has been embroiled in this he will never be the same again

Yes, it's terrible to involve someone else in something like this :( I once worked with someone whose husband was the regional rail representative who had the task of dealing with people who threw themselves under trains, a very hard job to do :(
The bedroom to is a huge injustice. After all the only people this affects are the most vulnerable in society. In Glasgow I know for sure there are no one bedroom flats. I remember when I was moving back to Glasgow I applied for a council house and was asked what kind of place was I looking for. As I was desperate for a place because of work I said to the housing officer that even a one bedroom flat was fine and was told we don't do one bedroomed flats....so was given a 2 bedroomed flat. Now if I was still in that flat and say unemployed I would be subject to the bedroom tax through no fault of my own. There must be lots of people in that position who applied for flats and were told there are no one bedroom flats and were given a two bedroomed flat. It's so unfair and this poor woman's death goes to show just how much people are affected by the bedroom tax.
Found out on itv news she had had been offered somewhere else more convenient but refused it..... Hmmm
There are Millions that would love a bedroom yet for years we have allowed people to have far more than they need. We wouldn't even be having this conversation if the previous governments of both colours had used some of the vast wealth they had generated to build new homes for people. Instead they gambled on the city and lost the lot and now we can't afford to build them, well not without sacrifices elsewhere.

It is very sad but this lady had lived for 51 years under governments that were not the coalition and yet was still benefit dependant despit those governments having the necessary means to ensure otherwise so to blame the coalition for that is wrong.

They are doing a difficult job in difficult circumstances that were not of their creation.

Steff I know of somebody else that is currently refusing an offer of somewhere smaller, while my own mother wants somewhere smaller as the council house she has is too big. She will have to pay the extra.
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There are Millions that would love a bedroom yet for years we have allowed people to have far more than they need. We wouldn't even be having this conversation if the previous governments of both colours had used some of the vast wealth they had generated to build new homes for people. Instead they gambled on the city and lost the lot and now we can't afford to build them, well not without sacrifices elsewhere.

It is very sad but this lady had lived for 51 years under governments that were not the coalition and yet was still benefit dependant despit those governments having the necessary means to ensure otherwise so to blame the coalition for that is wrong.

They are doing a difficult job in difficult circumstances that were not of their creation.

Steff I know of somebody else that is currently refusing an offer of somewhere smaller, while my own mother wants somewhere smaller as the council house she has is too big. She will have to pay the extra.

But we are asking people to move away from homes they have lived in for decades. This woman was unable to work and couldn't face moving away from her friends and family and the neighbourhood she knew. I don't believe the savings justify what it is doing to people in such a situation when there are people walking around with more money than they can eat and serving judgements on others whose lives they cannot comprehend.

Paul, I agree that the way out would be to build suitable, affordable, social housing, which would also provide a huge boost to the economy - this government refuses to contemplate any sort of investment in the future whilst pouring on the pain - with little prospect of avoiding it - on those least equipped to fight back. :(
Council houses are given based on need, well they are nowadays. The system is wrong because those need should be periodically re-assessed rather than just given something for life. There is no incentive for people to do anything for themselves and while I would agree that some people will always need help and support the majority coild take care of themselves.
Just think if this unfortunate lady didn't leave a note no one would be any wiser as to what pushed her over the limit, how many others are contemplating the same when they can't put food on the table or heat their homes.

Really hope this gets some press coverage over the next few days to show this uncaring government up.
Its such an emotive subject. But I do believe the lady however desperate didnt need to wreck an innocent lorrys drivers life along the way..... I do understand theres times ive been so desperate ive not eaten a meal that day just to make sure my son had a meal or the house is warm that night but I get through it someway somehow.
It is very sad but you can not blame the government for doing wrong/right. If it wasnt that it could have been something else.
Toby are you talking about the gov ment that sent a lot of the best troups in the world to Afgan . Uncaring Gov spend spend spend :confused:
I just wonder how selfish this woman must have been to put that poor lorry driver through a gruesome event that will live with him for the rest of his life just because she wanted extra rooms free of charge.And her poor family members, did she even care what kind of living hell and guilt trips they will now be going through because of her actions.

Suicide is a terrible and tragic event but to cause somebody else trauma like the poor lorry driver in this case makes me lose sympathy.

A family with a greater need for this property that will undoubtebly include children, those children may even have special needs themselves must surely be given priority on a property of this nature. there is no room for sentiment when it comes to bricks and mortar and if people want to be sentimental over such things then they should quite rightly be prepared to pay as I would would put actual need above sentiment all day every day.
I also very much doubt that this woman was a happy go lucky individual enjoying everything life had to offer before this spare room subsidy was removed.
I don't think selfishness comes into it when someone contemplates suicide. Mental health issues, depression, despair...........
Selfishness implies rational thought and perhaps greed.

Suicide is commited by desperate individuals who can't see a way out of their unhappy situations. I doubt when she did this tragic thing she would have been capable of rational thought as to who she may be affecting. She was probably near to breaking point and this 'bedroom tax' pushed her over the top.

It has been suggested that this woman is greedy and I would accept that in certain circumstances the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the individual. However, I doubt if greed was her primary motive in trying to cling to her home. I think 'home' is the pertinent word here. Home suggests far more than bricks and mortar. It suggests an individuals safety and security, the buiding of a life and all the hard work and emotion that goes in to that. To lose one's home is shocking; tantamount to bereavement. I believe that she was desperate to keep her home and couldn't find a way to do it.
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I just wonder how selfish this woman must have been to put that poor lorry driver through a gruesome event that will live with him for the rest of his life just because she wanted extra rooms free of charge.And her poor family members, did she even care what kind of living hell and guilt trips they will now be going through because of her actions.

Suicide is a terrible and tragic event but to cause somebody else trauma like the poor lorry driver in this case makes me lose sympathy.

A family with a greater need for this property that will undoubtebly include children, those children may even have special needs themselves must surely be given priority on a property of this nature. there is no room for sentiment when it comes to bricks and mortar and if people want to be sentimental over such things then they should quite rightly be prepared to pay as I would would put actual need above sentiment all day every day.

Your understanding of mental health issues and what drives people to take their own lives is very poor otherwise you wouldn't have written the above, better to say nothing than write dribble on a subject you know little about🙄
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