Woman develops rare bone disease from drinking too much tea

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Live Science reported yesterday that a 47 year old woman in the U.S. has developed a rare bone disease due to her tea drinking habit.

The woman consumed a pitcher of tea a day, made with about 100 tea bags, for the last 17 years. She experienced pain in her lower back, arms, legs, and hips for the last five years. When she saw a doctor for the symptoms, x-rays showed areas of dense bone on her spinal vertebrae and calcification of ligaments in her arm.


100 teabags a day???? 😱
Well my husband has calcification of his knee cartilage which is no fun, but he can't give up drinking tea owing to the fact he rarely drinks it and majors on Nescafe!

Depends on the tea bags doesn't it? but 100 sounds excessive, but there again - what quantity is 'a pitcher' ?
Well my husband has calcification of his knee cartilage which is no fun, but he can't give up drinking tea owing to the fact he rarely drinks it and majors on Nescafe!

Depends on the tea bags doesn't it? but 100 sounds excessive, but there again - what quantity is 'a pitcher' ?

I think a pitcher is 4 pints whenever I've bought one in a pub...

I have probably 2 pints of tea a day, but that only works out at about 6-8 teabags!
Are they sure that the pains in the arms and legs wasn't down to all that picking up and putting down of a pitcher with 100 teabags and a load of water in it? 🙄

Strewth! 100 teabags a day. That must have cost a fortune over 17years!!

Hang on, I must go and calculate that ............

Assuming 40 tea bags for ?1 (?1.35 for a pack of 40 PG Tips pyramid tea bags on Tesco website)

So that's ?2.50 for 100.
That's ?912.50 for a year and ?15,512.50 for 17 years or $23,268.75 (assuming a 1.5 exchange rate).


Andy 🙂
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That's ?912.50 for a year and ?15,512.50 for 17 years or $23,268.75 (assuming a 1.5 exchange rate).


Andy 🙂

It would cost more to drink beer though (although slightly less since the budget! 😉) Plus, bear in mind that many people buy a coffee every day that probably costs more than those 100 tea bags.
My flask holds about 1.2 litres which works out at about 4/5 teabags per day. I can't begin to imagine making a pitcher (in the US, anything up to a gallon) and using 100 teabags. It would be so thick and black, you could paint fences with it!
Oooh - is it cheaper than Fenceguard Alison? (I know it's cheaper than Cuprinol - everything is !)
My flask holds about 1.2 litres which works out at about 4/5 teabags per day. I can't begin to imagine making a pitcher (in the US, anything up to a gallon) and using 100 teabags. It would be so thick and black, you could paint fences with it!

Perhaps she uses Darjeeling? Keeps putting in teabags in the forlorn hope of getting some flavour into her hot water? :D
Perhaps she uses Darjeeling? Keeps putting in teabags in the forlorn hope of getting some flavour into her hot water? :D

Probably, or maybe it's that Lapsan Sue Pong stuff. I'll stick to my Assam.
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