Woke up in hospital

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well that was new for me today, back ground, i have had Type 1 for 28 years and all been good, yes had hypo`s that i know about and amended. H1baic has always been between 6.5-7.5, daily before meal checks ( not as often as i should ) 5-8. so good.

This morning though, done same as always, nothing different or the night before. Same as always we set off to work, wife driving me, i felt like a low level coming on, surprised as it is rare, i took a sugar rush and plan to check when i got to work just a few minutes away.

Got out the car, went i work and them dont remember a thin g until i woke up on the hospital bed. Wondering what the hell had happened and confused.

BS had dropped to <1 so not good.

Spoke to a diabetic specialist and all she did was tell me how to control it. Mmm i thought i knew by now. Which she realised that after a talk. Although she said i was injecting my levamere in wrong place, which is in my side which is where i was and always been told to do it, or the thigh. But she could not say what caused the bad hypo. Well but fr one small hard spot in my novarapid area around the middle on the stomach. that could of caused it.

Anybody know or had this happen before ?

And i have been told to alter my Levamere and have appointments for the diabetic clinic soon.

Thanks all for any info

How terrifying for you @Faffer Could it have been your breakfast bolus? I once had a hideous hypo because, unknown to me, the insulin had gone into a muscle or something and was absorbed incredibly fast. It was awful and I couldn’t stop it.

Certainly I’d reduce your Levemir for safety if only for a short while. I’d also look at reducing your breakfast bolus. This is what I used to do with bad hypos - reduce my insulin for two or three days so I could recover and not run the risk of more hypos. It doesn’t sound like you have a Libre? I’d push for that. Not only will you be able to keep a closer eye on your blood sugar, it has alarms that can alert you to highs and lows and give you time to ward them off.

I’d also see if you can get someone to check your injection sites in case there are lumps affecting absorption. As for injecting basal, I was always told to use my thigh or bottom and not my tummy. So changing sites might be worth it as well as reducing your Levemir.

I hope you’re feeling ok now. Take it easy.
How terrifying for you @Faffer Could it have been your breakfast bolus? I once had a hideous hypo because, unknown to me, the insulin had gone into a muscle or something and was absorbed incredibly fast. It was awful and I couldn’t stop it.

Certainly I’d reduce your Levemir for safety if only for a short while. I’d also look at reducing your breakfast bolus. This is what I used to do with bad hypos - reduce my insulin for two or three days so I could recover and not run the risk of more hypos. It doesn’t sound like you have a Libre? I’d push for that. Not only will you be able to keep a closer eye on your blood sugar, it has alarms that can alert you to highs and lows and give you time to ward them off.

I’d also see if you can get someone to check your injection sites in case there are lumps affecting absorption. As for injecting basal, I was always told to use my thigh or bottom and not my tummy. So changing sites might be worth it as well as reducing your Levemir.

I hope you’re feeling ok now. Take it easy.
That is what has puzzled me. i am that boring i do the same and eat near dam the same everyday but for the odd weekend when we have take out treat for years, many years never had a problem.

Today i didnt as always have my Novarapid intill i get to work, just my Levamir half hour before we set off.
Wife aske dif i took the wrong insulin but i cant as its a different pen and i would know easily.

This has got me thinking now about a Libre, never bothered as always been good. Maybe its a thing i need to do.

thanks for the reply 😉
This has got me thinking now about a Libre, never bothered as always been good. Maybe its a thing i need to do.
I think it's worth trying. It'll show what's happening overnight which may be relevant. (And when you see the clinic and talk about what happened I'm sure it'll be on the list of things they'll suggest, especially since the guidelines have just changed.)
Definitely try the Libre @Faffer I’ve only had mine a short time but it’s a big reassurance and great to be able to scan so easily. Hmm, I wonder if you did use the wrong pen? When I take a pump break, I use pens and both my pens are quite different, yet one day I found myself automatically picking up the bolus pen instead of the basal. It’s so easily done, especially when you’re thinking about other things.

Whatever the cause, do run slightly high for a couple of days so you can recover. A hypo like that really takes it out of you.
I think it's worth trying. It'll show what's happening overnight which may be relevant. (And when you see the clinic and talk about what happened I'm sure it'll be on the list of things they'll suggest, especially since the guidelines have just changed.
I will ask them yes. but `guide lines changed` ? how does diabetes change ?
Definitely try the Libre @Faffer I’ve only had mine a short time but it’s a big reassurance and great to be able to scan so easily. Hmm, I wonder if you did use the wrong pen? When I take a pump break, I use pens and both my pens are quite different, yet one day I found myself automatically picking up the bolus pen instead of the basal. It’s so easily done, especially when you’re thinking about other things.

Whatever the cause, do run slightly high for a couple of days so you can recover. A hypo like that really takes it out of you.
yes i see what you mean, but the pens i have are so different. one you need to pull out the plunger to set the pen the other you dont also i can see one pen easier than the other and different colour pens.

like to sound of these Libra`s more, or just worried now after all this time.
Gosh! I hope you're feeling better now!
@Bruce Stephens thanks fella, after good though and mention of it from yourself and @Inka ill speak to them about it. If there pushing it then i cant see why they would say no.

Gosh! I hope you're feeling better now!
Yes a lot better thanks, had a good sleep and ready to go again.

Trying to get these sugars down again is being tricky but best not rush it. And doctors today to sort of the clinic.

thanks all 😉
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