Wisdom Tooth!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My wisdom tooth is coming back up again.

Started hurting a little on Saturday but it wasnt so bad.
Monday was so bad i could barley eat, i had mushy wheatabix then a egg mayo sandwich for dinner on white bread, it took me about an hour to eat my fish and chips at tea time. Just before bed i tested my BS whcih was 6.2 before tea and it was 20!!! i know its not that high, but i only had fish and chips for tea and i had 20 novorapid so i just dont get why it was that high.
Bad enough i was in loads of pain my BS wants to make me feel even better.

Why does it always happen like that when you feel alwful the BS just have to join in!!

Best way I found of relieving pain / discomfort / swelling from emerging wisdom teeth was swill warm salty water round my mouth - as suggested by a friend who was a dental nurse. Any infection, including in gums, can cause blood sugars to rise, so you might need to adjust your insulin doses to compensate.
A little clove oil (available from some chemists and pharmcies and I think health food shops) also helps relive the pain, but tastes disgusting.
Aww feel for ya!

The worst pain in the world!

Me and the fella had our wisdoms out at the same time! I think we cleared out the chemist of pain killers. I was fine, but he got dry socket (i have never seen anyone in so much pain, felt totally helpless)

Nurofen PLUS (has to be PLUS coz they have codeine in them to!) worked a treat! Anything u have to get over the counter has to be good!

Remember you can take paracetamol with ibuprofen, Just double check packets obviously and make sure u eat before u take Nurofen PLUS coz it plays havoc with your tummy.

And as caroline said Clover oil is good, but don't get it on your skin tho, only on the tooth! yuk yuk yuk!

Hope u feel better x 🙂
as caroline said Clover oil is good, but don't get it on your skin tho, only on the tooth! yuk yuk yuk!

Yep this stuff works wonders but as said above make sure u only get it on the tooth as i put too much on once and it went everywhere! the whole right side of my mouth went numb! lol took the pain away though :D
I'm praying my wisdom teeth stay where they are, not fully out, one dentist said to me "I hope no one has to get your wisdom's out there huge and you'd have to do more than break your jaw" So the next time I felt them I was a bit concerned but they only slightly hurt for a week or two.

take care

Rather than buy clove oil - you could suck on a couple of cloves if you have any in your spice rack. If your BMs stay high see the dentist to check its not an abscess.
Just before bed i tested my BS whcih was 6.2 before tea and it was 20!!! i know its not that high, but i only had fish and chips for tea and i had 20 novorapid so i just dont get why it was that high.

fish and chips are full of fat, which slows down the release of the carbohydrates in it - it can take hours for them to fully release! your insulin would have peaked way before all the carbs had been released - so you had carbs coming in, but no insulin left to cover it. it happens a lot with fatty foods!
One bit of advice given to me by a dentist, shortly before having all four wisdoms removed, under an anaesthetic, if you have problems sleeping try sleeping sitting up. Stops the tongue and cheeks rubbing on the tooth/teeth.
Hope the teeth are feeling better. Two of the best things I ever did was have my wisdom teeth taken out. As they were done under a local (in the gums) anasthetic, they did one side one time then the other side about three weeks later.
Thanks everyone.

It was loads better yesterday, but is hurting again today.
I have been taking paracetemol and it does help and I have some good mouth wash Corsodyl, it really helps.
Eating is still hard work.
Hopefully it wont last.

I'm praying my wisdom teeth stay where they are, not fully out, one dentist said to me "I hope no one has to get your wisdom's out there huge and you'd have to do more than break your jaw" So the next time I felt them I was a bit concerned but they only slightly hurt for a week or two.

take care


Rossi thats well scary!
I know someone who broke their jaw they lived off fluids for months, really horrid.

Hope yours stay where they are :D

Rossi thats well scary!
I know someone who broke their jaw they lived off fluids for months, really horrid.

Hope yours stay where they are :D


I have this picture of me trying to take horse pillse (850mg metformin) with a brokrn jaw, I don't want to do either, not nice...
Thanks everyone.

It was loads better yesterday, but is hurting again today.
I have been taking paracetemol and it does help and I have some good mouth wash Corsodyl, it really helps.
Eating is still hard work.
Hopefully it wont last.


glad your feeing a little better

U may or may not know but Corsodyl stains your teeth if you use it for too long, an alternative when u are not using that is Oraldene, which is very good.

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